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Three Reasons President Obama is Wrong -- Christians Living Under Persecution Speak Out -- Exclusive Interviews

Contact: Lisa Jones, Executive Director, Christian Freedom International, 800-323-2273,

MAESOT, Thailand, March 3, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- "A war is raging. ISIS is systematically and methodically abducting and slaughtering Christians. Unless defeated, ISIS will continue to target and kill-- especially Christians and people of any other faith besides the ISIS version of Islam," said Jim Jacobson, president of Christian Freedom International.

According to Jacobson, "The recent abduction of dozens of Christians in Syria by ISIS, coupled with the barbaric beheadings of 21 Christians in Libya, underscores the urgent need for a worldwide coalition to stop the persecution of Christians and others."

"The fact is in 2015 we are witnessing the systematic slaughter of Christians by radical Islamists. To be clear, ISIS has no intention of stopping their brutal murder of Christians in the name of Muhammad," said Jacobson.

"But do President Obama -- and other world leaders -- have a grasp on this clear and present danger?" asked Jacobson.

President Obama, speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC, said recently, "Unless we get on our high horse and think that this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ . . . "

"Does this comparison to a Medieval event have any bearing on what is happening today?" Jacobson asked.

Christian Freedom International (CFI) recently interviewed three minority Christians living in three different Muslim majority countries to get their reaction to President Obama's remarks. The names of the people CFI interviewed must remain anonymous because they could be killed if identified.

Here are what three Christians living under persecution -- right now -- had to say about the President's comments:

  1. A Christian in Pakistan
    "I strongly condemn this statement by US President Obama. Christianity has never caused persecution. Christianity has always preached to love our neighbor. The Bible teaches us, 'But now I tell you: do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you. If any one slaps you on the right cheek, let him slap your left cheek too.'

    "I know of no Christian extremist groups attacking people of other faiths. All over the world, especially Pakistan, Christians are attacked mostly for their beliefs. So I do not agree with President Barack Obama."
  2. A Christian in Egypt
    "I disagree. Coptic Christians in Egypt are very much pacifists and considered the most vulnerable minority so we cannot persecute people of other faiths. We Christians do not persecute Muslims. But we Christians are persecuted."
  3. A Christian in Bangladesh (this person is a former Muslim who converted to Christianity)
    "With due respect, I strongly disagree with President Obama. It might be some people faced problems by Christians in the past, although I am not sure and the Crusades had a cause. But, the basic difference is that Muslims today are being influenced and taught by their religious books to persecute the people of other beliefs. There is not a single word in the New Testament that influences Christians to persecute others. The New Testament teaches loving others.

    "A lot of people became famous just following Jesus Christ and His teachings that are written in New Testament, like Mother Teresa. They are the real examples of Jesus' teachings. But there is not a single example in the Muslim World of a Mother Teresa. The Muslims have examples like Osama Bin Laden.

    "Finally I would like to say, that the Honorable US President Barak Obama just copied these sayings from Dr. Zakir Nayak, an Indian Muslim scholar who is the owner of Peace TV. Dr. Nayak defends al Qaida activities by saying, 'Christians and Jews did terrible things in the past.' I believe the US President memorized those words from Dr. Zakir Nayak while visiting India and just repeated those in the US recently. I have confusion whether President Obama ever read the New Testament. I challenge him to find a single Word in the New Testament that influences people to persecute others, where there are thousands in the Muslim book, Quran."

Pray, speak out, help. "It is time for President Obama, Western leaders, and a coalition of freedom loving nations to exercise leadership to stop the systematic killings of Christians. It is time for an end to this jihadi war against Christians," said Jacobson.

Among other places, CFI works in each of these three aforementioned countries assisting the Persecuted Church with aid and advocacy. CFI has also launched a petition campaign on behalf of Christians in the Middle East at

CFI is a grass-roots organization helping persecuted Christians around the world.

(For more information or to set up an interview on Christian persecution, contact Lisa Jones at 800-323-2273,, or email