Contact:: Lurma Rackley, CARE Atlanta Office, 404-979-9450, lrackley@care.org; William Dowell, CARE Geneva Office, +41-79-590-3047, wtdowell@careinternational.org
Photo: Children survey flood damage from after Cyclone Indlala in
Although it is too early to know the full extent of the damage, early reports from CARE workers in the affected areas indicate that the intensity of Indlala is similar to Cyclone Gafila, which hit
Gafila required a large-scale emergency response lasting more than a year. The succession of cyclones that have hit
CARE staff traveling to the northeast district capital of Antalaha witnessed significant damage to houses, and roads flooded up to 25 miles from the town. Radio and telephone communications had been knocked out by the storm, and water and electricity were cut off. Staff reports from the field indicate that many houses were damaged.
CARE has been working in northeast Madagascar since 1992 and is running 18 development projects, while responding to two previous emergencies. CARE will conduct an assessment of the impact of the storm, and is planning to distributing emergency relief items, which may include tents, plastic sheeting, water purification solutions and water containers, to the most affected people and to work on opening road access in order to ensure rapid distribution of relief items.