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Revival Hits Los Angeles with Evangelist Jim Linzey

The Prophetic and the Power Manifests by the Holy Spirit

California Sunset by Don Biadog

Jonathan Sciano
Dec. 24, 2024

LOS ANGELES, Calif., Dec. 24, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ – On Sunday, December 22, 2024, at the dedication service of Global Covenant Church’s new facility in Torrance, California, God’s power inspired the congregation as Dr. James Linzey shared prophetic messages and dreams, proven true by documentation.

The congregation, planted in 2007 by Pastor Alice Tanaka, the Director of the Morris Cerullo Crusade in Japan years ago, moved her congregation which used to meet near Florence and Sepulveda where revival broke out for about five years under Dr. Verna Linzey’s ministry, as reported by Charisma News and Pneuma Review. The congregation flooded the altar seeking prayer and the power of God to fill their lives. Many more came up for healing as Dr. Linzey prayed for them with the laying on of hands.

The service began at 2:00 and concluded at about 5:30 after Dr. Sonny Harris, a surgeon, shared a miraculous healing in his body. Hospitals nearly killed him. His eye doctor recommended deadly medication. Then more pharmaceuticals were prescribed to ‘get over’ each succeeding injury. He threw them in the trash and his body healed itself with faith in God.

One of Dr. Linzey’s prophetic dreams in 2022 was how the hospitals were going to become the enemies of the people, which came to pass during the Biden administration, injecting patients and killing them with the COVID vaccines, often against the patients’ will. He dreamed that COVID shots weakened immune systems, making victims succumb to HIV and AIDS. He awoke, did research, and found it was true.

Linzey also shared how, when he was five, his mother’s and his lives were miraculously saved by an angel. Their car stalled on railroad tracks as a train approached in Charleston, South Carolina. She jumped out of the car, thinking ‘Jimmy’ would be safe in the back of the station wagon, which was off the tracks.

An angel appeared as an ordinary man and told Verna to get back in the car and slam the gas pedal. She did and the car jumped forward off the tracks just before the train passed. Jimmy soon began experiencing a life of the prophetic and the power of God.

SOURCE: Jonathan Sciano

CONTACT: 760-855-3905