Criminal Complaint Naming Robert Mueller and Other FBI Employees in Commission of Treason
Contact: Walt Fitzpatrick,, Skype: JAGHUNTERS
ATHENS, Tenn., Aug. 8, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- On July 26, 2015, Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III, Commander, United States Navy Retired, submitted the following to the United States Attorney, Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions, III, United States Department of Justice:
[This document, signed and notarized, is available at:]
Attorney General Sessions:
I formally accuse Mr. Robert "Bob" Swan Mueller, Ill of TREASON!
Mr. Mueller is a threat to national security.
Mr. Mueller is one leader of a criminal racket actively engaged in aggressive attempts to unconstitutionally overthrow a sitting President: Donald John Trump.
Mr. Mueller's treasonous agenda is to take down President Trump. Mueller's agenda is a national security incident.
Mueller has created an illicit authority unto himself through the agency of acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe and Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rob Rosenstein.
Mueller is positioned, using his illegally manufactured authority to attack President Trump, cover-up Comey's crimes, the crimes of other and the cover-up of his own crimes, Mueller's crimes.
Plotting assiduously to oust our constitutionally elected president, combined with Mueller's attack against honorably discharged veterans, Mueller continues in service to himself, to an insurgent domestic enemy government; to the enemy within.
Mueller is a volunteer enlisted in service to a rival government competing with our U.S. government, an enemy government "at war with our basis concepts of a democratic society and a representative government."
Mueller spearheads an organized criminal enterprise in a plot, which Andrew McCabe and John Brennan publicly, vocally proclaim to take down the president of the United States.
We are watching a metaphor for another attack on the World Trade Center; Mueller, Comey and McCabe piloting the aircraft while their treasonous assistants back aft in "the tube" neutralize passengers and crew, box-cutters in hand.
Mr. Mueller's habituation in criminalizing innocent acts followed by prosecutions, convictions and incarcerations of people who suffered Mueller's wrath because innocent people committed legal acts is being played out once again in plain sight, this time targeting President Trump.
Mueller and his outlaw associates achieve results through the treasonous capture, manipulation and control of personal information, real or invented. This accusation naming Mueller in Treason is more elaborate than ones filed up to now. This submission has been in the works for a time but, as the world turns, this call for Mueller's arrest is advanced as reports surface the FBI is caught improperly searching for and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans and retains a database of information unlawfully intercepted. Mueller and Comey are both responsible for the treasonous capture, manipulation and control of personal information which marbles through Obama's tenure as "resident," like a cancer, between 2009 and 2016.
I named Obama in commission of Treason on 17 March 2009. Six allied complaints naming Obama and his gang followed during Mueller's stint as FBI director. Mueller stifled all seven complaints!
Tell me again why it's Mueller investigation President Trump for nothing? Capturing as much personal information on President Trump, his family, his friends and his business associates as possible? Why
Mr. Mueller is a principal criminal actor, choreographer, orchestrator, puppet-master behind a proven federal "false flag" exercise pretending the occurrence of a "domestic terrorist" assault on government personnel and property in Madisonville, Tennessee on 20 April 2010: "THE MADISONVILLE HOAX."
Mueller is professionally, personally and criminal responsible for officially declaring and categorizing military veterans "domestic terrorists." Armed forces veterans who, obedient to their oaths, stood to defend the IJ.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
None of the veterans in Madisonville, Tennessee on 20 April 2010, the day of Mueller's manufactured "MADISONVILLE HOAX" are "domestic terrorists. "
Not one.
In one of many "Kafka Trials," tied to the MADISONVILLE HOAX, Mueller was a principal adversary in bringing fake charges against one veterans in America's first "Minority Report, thought crime" arrest, prosecution and conviction.
To expound: Mueller is successful in effecting the wrongful arrest, prosecution and unlawful imprisonment of a person on the theory government law enforcement agents knew ahead of time the person was thinking about committing a crime, then carried out the arrest plan before the crime was done.
Federal law enforcement afterwards claiming bragging rights, in glowing remarks and arrogant braggadocio, desensitizing the community making citizens believe they are safer because a terrible fate has been avoided; the liberty and freedom of those citizens notwithstanding. THE FIRST SUCCESSFUL MINORITY REPORT PROSECUTION IN AMERICA THANKS TO ROBERT "BOB" SWAN MUELLER!
Veterans were in Madisonville, Tennessee in April 2010 to call attention to massive, treasonous administration of government consequent discovery of the unconstitutional method Tennessee judges use to handpick county grand jury foremen.
Veterans came to Madisonville, Tennessee in April 2010 to watch a rogue Tennessee court "at war" with American government.
The veterans in Madisonville were peacefully assembled, law abiding, respectful and unarmed.
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Harry Andrew Blackmun, delivering the opinion of the High Court in 1979, wrote: The method used by Tennessee judges to handpick county grand jury foremen "not only violates our Constitution and the laws enacted under it but is at war with our basic concepts of a democratic society and a representative government. "
Mueller attacked veterans standing up against Tennessee authorities "at war" with our Republican form of government, targeting said veterans as "domestic terrorists" and "sovereign citizens," as Mueller continues to do.
Mueller joined the enemy of a rival and competing government to our U.S. government, an enemy government "at war with our basic concepts of a democratic society and a representative government."
Treason is defined in Article 3 of the Constitution and codified in 18 USC 2381: "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, either levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort with the U.S. or elsewhere. " An expanded definition of Treason is that combining to defeat or resist a federal law is the levying war against the United States: An Act of Treason!
Mueller's Treason is outrageous!! A subversion of our representative Republic.
Consequent the High Court's condemnation of Tennessee's method allowing criminal court judges to handpick county grand jury foreman, Associate Justice Blackmun said: The injury suffered is to our "society as a whole...The injury is not limited to the defendant—there is injury to the jury system, to the law as an institution, to the community at large, and to the democratic ideal reflected in the processes of our courts."
Mueller worked closely with "resident" Obama and Eric Holder in the planning of their criminal plot codenamed: OPERATION VIGILANT EAGLE. Obama, Holder and Mueller focused on military veterans as the direct object of their masquerade.
Obama, Holder and Mueller culled military veterans into a "secret world of extreme militias," representing, according to Mueller and his ilk, the most significant law enforcement / homeland security threat known to exist in America.
Contemporaneously, Obama, Holder and Mueller disallowed the term "Islamist terrorism" from public use.
Islamists rewrote FBI training manuals wherein military veterans were declared domestic enemies outright, veterans obedient to their oaths fighting back against Mueller's Treason and the Treason of his outlaw associates.
In an obscene application of federal law, Mr. Mueller aided and abetted Barack Hussein Obama's TREASON protecting Obama's identity as a foreign born domestic enemy, standing guard over Obama's sealed papers and past, as Mueller now performs a body scan Of President Trump.
Obama's treasonous crimes against America and Americans are profound.
Obama's Treason is manifest.
It was Mueller who gave OBAMA a pass.
Mueller's Treason is outrageous!! A subversion of our representative Republic.
The derelictions of duty by FBI and Justice Department officials in their treasonous administration of U.S. government are outrageous!!
Mueller dismissed seven (7) formal, sworn criminal complaints naming Obama, Hillary Clinton and others in the "Deep State" sewer in commission of Treason filed by this veteran.
Mueller ignored so many other veterans who filed Treason complaints against Obama and his renegades.
I identify Mueller in commission of Treason for keeping secret
Obama's background as a foreign born domestic enemy. Mueller is criminally responsible for allowing Obama's life records to be locked away, sealed from public scrutiny. Mueller ignored rock solid evidence respecting Obama's forged birth certificate.
Mueller is responsible for allowing Obama to be illegally "selected" into the Obama's "residency," and now scrapes through the records of a lawfully elected president for no reason.
While Mueller still refuses to expose Obama's records, Mueller is wire-brushing President Trump for his personal records.
Mueller ran block for Obama in an agency relationship. An act of Treason by Obama is an Act of Treason by Mueller. An act of Treason by Mueller is an Act of Treason by Obama.
President Trump is an innocent man who has committed no crime.
Today Mueller is giving President Trump, his family and his associates' sordid body-cavity searches.
Mueller commits Treason by arrogantly and insistently retraining the title of "Special Counsel."
There's nothing to "investigate."
No one accuses President Trump of a crime. No one has sworn out a criminal complaint naming President Trump.
Consequent Obama's empowering denizens of the sewer to undermine then candidate Trump, we've observed the following unfold:
In February, McCabe, who was second-in-command at the FBI to Comey, emboldened by Comey, pledged to destroy Flynn and Trump, yelling to a cheering crowd of approximately 16 senior FBI officials: "[Get] Flynn and then we [Get] Trump." (A cleaned up version of McCabe's tirade, expletives deleted)
McCabe's proclaimed plot, joined now by Mueller, is predicated on outlawed events: Illegally leaking classified information. Broadcasting classified information threatens national security.
Mueller knows the one person who should be shutting down this investigation is Robert Mueller.
The illicitly promulgated sensitive information is being used as a weapon making up "false flag" narratives first accusing Gen. Flynn and, in the moment, President Trump, of committing innocent acts.
Mueller and other designing, conspiratorial criminals, provocateur agent assistants are using their own, real criminal work product to invent, make-up and criminalize what are otherwise commonly accepted innocent acts performed by innocent people because Mueller and his team of provocateur agents can't point to anything else these the common man would recognize as being actually against the law!
Finding people guilty before proving it.
The same tactics employed to carry out Mueller's MADISONVILLE HOAX in 2010!
Fake criminal charges are employed, or in the situation President Trump faces, or his family or associates, no criminal charge is necessary.
Mueller's assignment as "Special Counsel" is the product of an outlawed activity carried out by a racketeer influenced corrupt organization: The Department of Justice and subsurned Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Former Director James Comey stated under oath President Trump was not under investigation by the FBI.
But Comey wanted to force President Trump out of office so then forced an investigation where no investigation was warranted.
After President Trump fired Comey on 9 May, Comey revealed under oath on 8 June 2017 and explained how and why Comey instantly leaked a memo detailing a potentially damaging conversation With Daniel Richman who then relayed it to The New York Times.
Comey's leaked memo in June 2017 was the same play Comey's Deputy Director Andrew McCabe ran against General Michael Flynn in February 2017 to force Gen. Flynn from his post as National Security Advisor.
Then McCabe ensured Flynn was "unmasked" whereupon Flynn's name was disclosed as being at one end of wiretapped telephone conversations.
Days later General Flynn was forced to resign.
Comey leaked information in May/June to cause an investigation.
The fix is in! Mueller is going after President Trump in a deliberate effort.
President Trump who is suspected of no criminal act.
The Russia narrative is a Robert Mueller Hoax!!
Events which FBI agents manufactured in Madisonville, Tennessee in April 2010 are a Robert Mueller Hoax!!
Rob Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller "Special Counsel" in June 2017. Days later, on 13 June 2017, Mueller met with Comey behind closed doors. It's believed Mueller granted Comey immunity. "The immunity is a done deal," according to a Justice Department source. "Mueller can do whatever he wants. We (Justice) have no say but after many years working criminal cases I know Comey has been given immunity. You can tell by the way [Comey] is acting now and the fact that Mueller has kept us in the dark about [Mueller's] investigation."
Compare this to OBAMA's circumstances aided fully by Mueller.
Personnel in Obama's Justice Department, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and subordinates blocked me from testifying against Mueller and others before a federal grand jury. Holdovers from Obama's Justice
Department continue to block my proffered grand jury testimony still today.
I am one of the Veterans Mueller and Mueller's FBI unlawfully identified and targeted as a "domestic terrorist" under OPERATION VIGILANT EAGLE in 2010. Because of Mueller, I am still named and treated as a "domestic terrorist" today.
I am not a "domestic terrorist.
Mueller commits Treason by continuing to insist I am a "domestic terrorist," a "sovereign citizen," as Mueller uses those epithets in accusations intending harm.
What to do from this point is straightforward: Bring Mueller and others criminally accused in Treason under federal arrest.
In that no living person has filed a formal, sworn criminal complaint naming President Trump accused in any criminal act, you shut down Mueller's "Special Counsel investigation" with the speed of heat.
Ergo: No need to appoint Mueller's replacement.
Take special notice: Mueller does suffer a formal, sworn Criminal complaint for Treason and lesser-included offenses. As do Obama, Lynch, Hillary Clinton, Holder, and so many other criminal, outlaw assistants.
This renews and extends all allied, previously filed, sworn state and federal criminal complaints.
It's written Americans have gotten used to living with Treason. This sailor not one of those Americans.
Americans, who are fed up with the Treason as I am fed up, hold standing in advancing their own formal, sworn criminal complaints naming Mueller in commission of Treason, or Obama, or Holder or Lynch or Hillary or anyone of the denizens mucking around in the swamp.
You can begin with Mueller.
Mueller is part of the "resistance."
Mueller disgraces the United States Marine Corps!
Mueller is a Treasonous Tyrant!
This demand for Mueller's arrest for Treason begins a catalogue of Mueller's treasonous administration of government. I leave it to federal authorities to fill out and complete the catalog. That's going to take some time after Mueller is placed under federal arrest.
The legal precedent respecting Treason applied in this formal criminal complaint is found in the United States Constitution as extend in the Whiskey Rebellion trials (1791-1794).
My calling out Mueller in his Treason is in support of the righteous campaign to DRAIN THE SEWER!!
More urgent: "Well known evangelical pastor, Rodney Howard Browne, recently came forward with claims that are horrifying Republicans everywhere." "Howard-Browne explained that he had met with a senior Republican Congressman who dropped a huge bomb when he said that there was a plot to remove Trump suddenly from office. "
Quoting J. Robert Smith from his article published yesterday in the American Thinker:
"Mueller is leading an inquisition. He's the
Grand inquisitor. If permitted to continue
His misbegotten enterprise, he will find something —anything— to hang around President Trump's neck.
"...The unspoken charge to Mueller is to get something on Trump."
Well...maybe not so "unspoken."
A man is known by the company he keeps. Muller's apologists include Islamist John Brennan presently calling for a government coup in the event Mueller is caught in his treasonous administration of government and brought down.
And Andrew McCabe, acting FBI director, who commanded, "[get] Flynn, then we [get] Trump."
Both men, joined at the hip to Mueller, have openly uttered threats against President Trump's life! McCabe in February 2017, Brennan just days ago.
McCabe and Brennan incite a popular uprising intended on the assassination of President Trump. Kathy Griffin's despicable beheading, Madonna's ruminating "I've thought about blowing up the White House, Johnny Depp's Abraham Lincoln stab, Rosie O'Donnell' "trump-killing-game, Shakespeare in the Park, numerous direct, physical assaults on the White House, Loretta Lynch's YouTube March 2017 urging people "take to the streets" to resist in deadly violence, women's march activist Linda Sarsour's pledge to wage jihad against Our president,
Robert De Niro who wants to punch the president in the face, Twitter explosions, Marilyn Manson's assassination of president Trump in a music video, "Snoop Dogg" shooting the president in another music video. Telegraph writer Monisha Rajesh, L.A. Times freelance journalist Steven Borowiec, then the flag day Steve Scalise's assassination attempt in Arlington, Virginia,
Michael Moore's under construction documentary "Fahrenheit
11/9," purposed to end Trump's presidency, and rapper "YG's" [get] Donald Trump song. This past Saturday Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D.-III., excoriated President Donald Trump during a sermon at a Chicago church, calling Trump "a major criminal" who must be "eliminated..." Then there's Keith Olbermann to President Trump: "You treacherous Russian whore the White House and all of us have been after you for this for months. And we will get you!" And let's not forget Rachel Maddow's vitriol.
Compare reactions above to the revolt when the rodeo clown who wore an Obama mask while provoking a bull at the 2013 Missouri State Fair.
Threats promising President Trump's demise are unceasing.
Mueller, like McCabe, Brennan and Lynch, is as much a man on a mission to destroy President Trump as other members of the ongoing Coup. In this environment, one they encourage and nuture, Mueller and other sewer denizens are intent and emboldened upon desensitizing U.S. citizens to the possibility, even eventuality of President Trump's assassination, while fully capable of manipulating and controlling information afterwards to explain away the tragedy should such an event occur.
Leaders of the "resist" movement and antifa creatures will celebrate President Trump's assassination, then spew it's alright, there's nothing to be done, we're okay, the country is better off, we're strong, we'll survive.
I wish to remind you Attorney General Sessions Robert *'Bob" Swan Mueller was director of the FBI seven days before the planes flew into World Trade Center Towers 1 & 2. In the wake of the attack Director Mueller did all within his power to manipulate and control information about the nightmare terrorist success.
Mueller is also responsible for FBI derelictions leading up to the April 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and subsequent drum tight seal about FBI intelligence collected beforehand and Since.
Robert "Bob" Swan Mueller, 111, isn't wearing any clothes.
Mueller is outted. Right now! Robert "Bob" Swan Mueller, Ill
the most powerful and dangerous man in America. l've lived through the successful assassination of one president and the attempted assassination of another. I'm dauntless and unafraid in doing everything possible to protect our sitting president from the likes of Mueller, Comey, McCabe and Brennan.
I cry out to veterans obedient to their oath, and to you Attorney General Sessions, to act upon this complaint naming Mueller in commission of Treason.
Take this real domestic enemy down: Robert "Bob" Swan Mueller, Ill!
Here endth another lesson!!
Beware the Fury of Patient Men!
Relentless, Resolved, Born fighting,
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III
United States Navy Retired
For notarized signature see: