Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, 540-538-4741
WASHINGTON, June 5, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- The British Embassy is located at 3100 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008.
Participants will be praying and calling for Charlie to be allowed to travel to any of the hospitals around the world who are offering free medical help for his rare medical condition, and for his parents to have involvement in the critical decisions being made regarding his care and treatment.
Bobby Schindler, President of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, states:
"Charlie Gard's life is more valuable than British and European bureaucrats realize.
"The central issue of the Charlie Gard struggle is not about rationing, limited resources, or even life support. At issue is whether universal healthcare means that bureaucrats and judges will determine appropriate treatment, or whether parents like Charlie's with the energy, finances, and physicians to care for their child will be allowed to do so."
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and who has worked leading campaigns for Terri Schiavo, Justina Pelletier, and "Baby Joseph," adds:
"The issues and challenges facing Charlie, his family, the legal system, the British government, and the entire medical community are at their core quite simple and universal. That is, will parents be at the center of making decisions for their children or will those decisions be ripped from them by hospital officials, judges, and government bureaucrats?
"This is not a liberal, conservative, or political issue at all. Rather, it is the simple notion that parents should not be excluded and shut out from making critical decisions that impact the health and future of their children. We call upon the British medical community and government to allow Charlie to travel to receive expert treatment that may provide a key to understanding and healing this rare disease and also offer hope to others with similar conditions. Simply said, allow Charlie's parents to lovingly seek the best possible care for their son."
For interviews or questions, please contact Rev. Patrick Mahoney at (540) 538-4741