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Wouldn't You Care if 9/11 Happened Every Day?

Contact: Operation Outcry, 210-614-7157,

SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Sept. 3, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Myra Myers of Operation Outcry:

    It does...all across America, when women and men are deceived by legalized abortion in our great nation.
    I represent  30 million women harmed by the devastating, tragic, poor choice of legalized abortion, whether they realize it yet or not.  I am among the vast majority of these (more than 94 percent) who would never have considered abortion had it been illegal.
    In 1965, I was a single college student and pregnant; abortion never occurred to me - nor the dad of our child; instead, we married.  Expecting our third child in 1968, we felt it was too soon for another child but the idea of abortion was never conceived in our minds until January 1973.  When we were expecting our sixth child, my husband believed the lie of legalized abortion: not a child yet! "There is only one thing to do", he said.  Co-dependent on him, I felt verbally and emotionally pushed to abort. Since abortion was legal, I thought it must be ok!
    Like many of these 30 million women, I did not realize I had become a mother at fertilization, since life begins at this point every time. Ignorance does not make us innocent or free of the consequences.
    When I went to Planned Parenthood, I was given no information on fetal/child development and not even a pregnancy test.  No information was given to me on abortion procedures, risks or consequences. I was told that counseling was available if I encountered any problems afterward. But I thought: Why should I have a problem with it? I was already in denial!
    I lost my "reproductive rights" when the abortion procedure damaged my uterus. Because of my "poor choice" of abortion, my uterus was removed shortly afterwards. Only a year and a half after the abortion, I felt a crushing weight of guilt and grief. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, Oh God, I've murdered!
    Regardless of the circumstances, when mothers choose abortion they become responsible for the death of their children.
    Legalizing abortion never made it right or safe or good for women! Abortion destroys relationships: not only the parent-child bond, but also marriages and even entire families due to the guilt, grief, shame and the blaming.  I represent the 20% of women having abortions who are married. Most marriages do not survive this tragedy.
    Today my husband and I agree our devastating decision to abort was the worst decision we ever made. I have chosen to forgive all involved in my abortion, including myself and those responsible for legalizing that which is wrong.

    I have chosen to speak the truth in love so that individuals may receive forgiveness from God Almighty through His Son Jesus Christ...And so that justice may be restored in our nation.
    Our third child was born two months premature and died. The loss of the child brought grief, but no guilt.
    The night before my appointment to abort our sixth child, I asked, "God, Is there anything wrong in what I am going to do? Man says it isn't even life. What do You say?" In the morning, a clerk called to inform me the abortionist had to cancel his appointments. I did not make the connection - I wasn't listening and made another appointment to abort that brought on myself and our family the loss, grief, guilt and shame we have endured. And my story is only one among millions.
    Think about it...every day since Jan. 22, 1973, America has experienced the equivalent of 9/11. Over 57 million Americans have been lost, and millions more - the mothers, fathers and families have been wounded. Don't you think it is time for the devastation to end?  Before we destroy America ourselves, from within!
Hurting from abortion? 
Call International Helpline for Abortion Recovery

Media Contact: Operation Outcry 210-614-7157 or