H.J. Wisocki & C.J. Szajnecki, authors of the newly released book, 'Innocence Betrayed: A Dad's Story of Clergy Misconduct'
Contact: Wanda L. Sanchez, Full Phase Media, 209-534-0335, info@fullphasemedia.com
MEDIA ADVISORY, October 24 /Standard Newswire/ -- "Our primary assignment as parents is as protectors of our children's innocence. But we must first be made aware that there ARE predators out there – and sometimes they come in the form of a trusted Minister/Pastor. As parents, we must be familiar with the signs of misconduct & exploitation, and then instruct, prepare & bring awareness to our own children. That is what this book is all about…" states author H.J. Wisocki.
Across the country, noted advocacy groups such as SNAP, Advocate Web and The Hope of Survivors have enthusiastically endorsed the work of H.J. Wisocki & C.J. Szajnecki in "Innocence Betrayed…" for its clear focus in trying to bring this issue out of the darkness and offer victims hope & healing.
"We want to be the catalyst to hope & healing for those who have suffered abuse in the form of clergy misconduct. Teaching parents, teachers and church leaders how to read the signs will help them avoid becoming a statistic in this epidemic," notes co-author C.J. Szajnecki.
This important book is a story that's about a family torn apart by clergy misconduct and bears witness to the devastation of abuse. But it doesn't stop there. It also clearly points to the fact that truth is paramount. Most importantly, this book offers awareness, hope & healing."
For more information about Innocence Betrayed: A Dad's Story of Clergy Misconduct, visit www.innocencebetrayedbyclergy.com. To book an interview with the authors, call Wanda at 209.534.0335 or email your request at info@fullphasemedia.com.