'Humanae Vitae' was Right 50 Years Ago -- It's Still Right Today
Dr. Janet E. Smith's new book delivers indisputable evidence that Humanae Vitae was never wrong
Contact: Kevin Wandra, 404-788-1276, KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com
SAN FRANCISCO, July 17, 2018 /Standard Newswire/ -- Fifty years have passed since the bombshell of Humanae Vitae was dropped on the world, declaring the Catholic Church to be against artificial contraception and laying out a handbook for faithful spouses on the meaning of conjugal relations. The document has since been condemned by popular culture and vilified by abortion-rights activists. Professor Janet E. Smith, Ph.D., who is an internationally recognized expert on Humanae Vitae, compiled WHY HUMANAE VITAE IS STILL RIGHT to deliver a deeper understanding of the prophetic document from the minds of the most respected theologians, philosophers, activists, and Catholic speakers today.
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood documents in Church history, Humanae Vitae nevertheless has been proven to be correct in its teachings on everything from marriage to birth control. Pope Paul VI was unfortunately right when he predicted the dissolution of the family, the twisted meaning of sex, and the impact of hormones on women and relationships when he wrote Humanae Vitae.
A sequel to Smith's classic Why Humanae Vitae Was Right, this new volume shows how the ethical, theological, spiritual and sociological case for Paul VI's controversial document remains strong -- indeed, how it's in some ways even stronger today, following Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and in light of the problems caused by the sexual revolution.
WHY HUMANAE VITAE IS STILL RIGHT includes the Krakow Document, which was composed under the supervision of Cardinal Karol Wojtyla (later, Pope John Paul II) and helped to shape Humanae Vitae to be a more personalistic document. George Weigel wonders in his essay in WHY HUMANAE VITAE IS STILL RIGHT if Humanae Vitae may have been better received if it adhered more closely to the Krakow Document.
"Of all the paradoxical fallout from the pill, perhaps the least understood today is this: The most unfashionable, unwanted and ubiquitously deplored moral teaching on earth is also the most thoroughly vindicated by the accumulation of secular, empirical, post-revolutionary fact. The document in question is, of course, Humanae Vitae," said Mary Eberstadt, author of Adam and Eve After the Pill.
For more information, to request a review copy or to schedule an interview with Dr. Janet E. Smith or one of the contributors to the book, please contact Kevin Wandra (404-788-1276 or KWandra@CarmelCommunications.com) of Carmel Communications.