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GOP Joining March for Life Gets Support from Pro-Life Movement

Contact: Troy Newman, President, Operation Rescue, 316-841-1700; Cary Bogue, President, Project Wildfire, 262-993-1697,

WASHINGTON, Jan. 13, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- The unprecedented decision by Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus to delay the GOP annual meeting so members could join the March for Life and stand against abortion, has not gone unnoticed by prominent members of the Pro-Life movement.  After numerous requests from members of the Senate and Congress to be given a chance to attend the March for Life, held in Washington annually on the anniversary of Roe V Wade, Priebus announced he would delay the January 22 meeting so members could attend.

Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, along with Project Wildfire's Cary Bogue have joined together to show support for that decision. "Our annual March for Life is a big deal for the pro-life movement," said Newman. "The fact that the GOP is delaying its meeting to join with us to fight for the lives of the unborn, not only deserves our gratitude but our support as well."

To show that support the two organizations have combined to hold a Twitter event entitled, #March4LifeGOP. Many recall the #Gosnell "Tweetfest" which forced the hand of the media elite to pay attention to the trial of Kermit Gosnell, who was later sentenced to life for killing hundreds of babies outside the womb, by severing their spinal cords. During that event as many as 23,000 tweets an hour influenced the Washington Post, NY Times, CNN and others to cover the trial.

"This event may not reach the level of #Gosnell, but we would love nothing more than to have conservatives & pro-lifers become permanent partners," said Bogue. "We typically get support once the day of event arrives. Once pro-life people see the hashtag #March4LifeGOP, we expect a lot of grassroots support."  Most recently a pro-life "twitterstorm" - #PrayToEndAbortion -trended on Twitter for 3 days.

In 2013, 87 abortion clinics closed and Newman attributes education as one reason. "More people are seeing through the smokescreen of labels like 'Women's Reproductive Freedom' for what they really represent, the killing of helpless unborn babies." 

The #March4LifeGOP Tweetfest will be held on Wednesday, January 15 from 9am -- 9pm EST.

To join the event people are encouraged to sign up on Facebook

For those pro-life people who don't tweet, a prayer event is being held simultaneously.