Contact: Jeff Field, Director of Communications, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191,
NEW YORK, Oct. 12, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bill Donohue comments on Vice President Joe Biden's remarks on Catholicism that were given at the end of yesterday's debate:
Vice President Joe Biden has been instructed by bishops not to present himself for Communion; he has been the subject of many reprimands; and he has been banned from speaking at Catholic institutions. Most of these sanctions are a function of his pro-abortion views.
Last night, Biden added to his problems by saying he agrees that life begins at conception, but he doesn't want to do anything to ensure the rights of the unborn child. The Catholic Church is opposed to animal cruelty as well, yet it is a sure bet that Biden has no problem with laws that punish dog fighting. Maybe if he began to think of little Joe in his mother's womb the way he thinks of Fido, more kids would live.
Just as obnoxious was Biden's claim that the Obama administration is not interfering with the religious liberties of Catholic non-profits. Is he unaware of the dozens of lawsuits filed by the bishops, the laity, and Catholic institutions seeking to insulate themselves from the Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate? Of course not.
The vice president really outdid himself when he twice said it is "a fact" that there is nothing for Catholics to worry about. Here's a real fact: Biden initially registered his misgivings about the policy, and even went so far as to warn that the HHS mandate would not sit well with Catholics. So what changed your mind, Joe?
Listening to Biden discuss his Catholicism is getting weary.