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Kamala Harris: Bought and Paid for by Planned Parenthood

In a Startling Conflict of Interest, Harris Attacked Investigators Who Exposed Aborted Baby Parts Harvesting Scheme

Operation Rescue
July 22, 2024

WICHITA, Kan., July 22, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ -- President Joe Biden has finally dropped out as a candidate for the 2024 presidential race. Though he has fully endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee, it is not known whether she will actually appear on the November ballot.

"What we do know is that Harris has failed miserably in her role as vice president," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, "especially in her primary duty as border czar."

Drug traffickers have been given a free pass while Americans are dying of Fentanyl overdoses in record numbers. While murderers, rapists, and sex traffickers illegally populate our nation, vulnerable Americans are left unprotected.

"But that's her style," Newman added. "Kamala has spent decades nurturing a financially beneficial relationship with Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant that kills hundreds of thousands of innocent vulnerable human beings every year."

Harris’s intimate relationship with Planned Parenthood was evidenced by documents obtained by Operation Rescue while she held the office of California Attorney General. Her campaign coffers previously received over $81,000 from five California Planned Parenthood affiliates that were implicated for some of the worst wrongdoing in the 2015 Center for Medical Progress (CMP) video exposé.

Newman, who served as a founding Board member of CMP, remembers the glaring conflict of interest well.

In a shocking turn of events, Harris used her position to protect her pet campaign contributor. Instead of ordering an investigation into Planned Parenthood, she ordered a raid on the home of David Daleiden, one of the undercover investigators who exposed the organization’s appalling practice of manipulating abortions to sell intact organs of murdered children. During the raid, the original work products obtained during the CMP undercover investigation were improperly seized.

"Harris is bought and paid for by Planned Parenthood," said Newman. "Short of a celebratory conversion to Christ, she will never stop extending her political power to facilitate the abortion cartel's profit-driven goal of killing as many babies as possible."

Harris radically supports the cold-hearted murder of preborn babies through all nine months of pregnancy without a single limit, and she opposes the existence of pregnancy resource centers that support women and families through unexpected pregnancies.

Newman added, "We must commit ourselves to intercessory prayer and show up en masse in November to support Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance at the ballot box. We must be watchful and do everything within our power to preserve election integrity. If we don’t, we will have Kamala Harris, or someone just like her, pushing for a radical, globalist population-control agenda at the expense of innocent preborn babies."

Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the U.S. Our goal is to expose abortion abuses, demand enforcement, save innocent lives, and build an Abortion-Free America.

Click here to support Operation Rescue.

SOURCE Operation Rescue

Troy Newman, President, 316-683-6790 ext. 111
Anne Reed, Senior Policy Advisor, 316-683-6790