Two words that will energize and unify faith and values voters during the Presidential season…Hillary Clinton.
Contact: Christian Defense Coalition, 202-547-1735, 540-538-4741 cell
The lack of passion and zeal for any Republican Presidential hopefuls will melt away in the face of the possibility of Hillary Clinton living in the White House for the next 8 years.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "Much has been written and discussed in the national press about the lack of unity and passion among faith and value voters with respect to the current crop of Republican Presidential hopefuls. There also have been many conversations about the lack of a consensus candidate within the pro-life and pro-family communities.
"Faith leaders have bemoaned the fact that no single Republican candidate has energized or inspired values voters. Those fears and concerns will melt away very quickly should Senator Clinton become the Democratic nominee for President. You will see renewed energy and unity within the faith community as they work to defeat Senator Clinton in November of 08.
"Conventional political wisdom has always stated that a person cannot be elected President because the public 'voted against the other candidate.' Senator Clinton may turn that conventional thinking upside down. The reason for that is simple; Senator Clinton’s negatives are so high within the general public and there is so much fear and concern in the faith community about her becoming President. These concerns may overshadow the weaknesses and lack of support for the current Republican hopefuls.
"However, the Christian Defense Coalition strongly encourages Republican candidates not to count on the fear of Senator Clinton being their strongest selling point and begin to speak to the issues that touch millions in the faith community and stand for principles that will make America a stronger and healthier nation."
For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 202.547.1735 Cell: 540.538.4741