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Georgia Right to Life Calls 'Plan B' Decision 'Unconscionable'

Contact: Suzanne Ward, Georgia Right to Life, 770-891-8320

NORCROSS, Ga., May 2, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) has called the decision to make the Plan B morning after pill available to girls as young as 15 unconscionable and a slap in the face to parents.

"School nurses can't even give 15-year-olds an aspirin without parental consent," said GRTL President Dan Becker. "This powerful drug is potentially dangerous, and in some cases may cause the death of a pre-born child."

Becker said a single treatment of Plan B is 50 times stronger than one low-dose birth control pill.

"It's mindboggling that adults need a prescription for standard birth control pills, but a 15-year-old girl can get a much stronger, and potentially dangerous, medication with no parental or medical advice at all," Becker said.

He noted that even the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has said there is not enough data to determine the long-term side effects on young girls.

Possible side effects include: cervical cancer; breast cancer; heart attack and stroke; migraines; gallbladder disease; benign liver tumors; and infertility.

Equally important, the drug may cause the death of a pre-born child by destroying fertilized egg, which embryologists recognize as a human being.

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from conception through natural death.