Contact: Dr. Elizabeth Rex, President, The Children First Foundation, 914-629-3710 cell, 1-877-Fund-Adoption (1-877-386-3236), ElizabethRexCFF@aol.com, www.Fund-Adoption.org
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 26 /Standard Newswire/ -- In an unusual twist, Governor Eliot Spitzer -- in his official capacity as Governor of the State of New York-- has been added as a defendant in a case that he once oversaw as Attorney General of New York State. Spitzer's newly appointed DMV Commissioner David Swarts has been also been added as a defendant. An important federal court procedural hearing took place yesterday in
In August 2004, the DMV rejected the
Governor Spitzer already has two strikes against him. As New York's former Attorney General, Eliot Spitzer was the official attorney for Defendants George Pataki (former Governor), Raymond Martinez (former DMV Commissioner), and Jill Dunn (Deputy Commissioner and DMV Counsel) when the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) failed in its efforts to dismiss a federal lawsuit filed against the defendants by The Children First Foundation. Spitzer's OAG appealed the decision to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals where they struck out a second time.
As CFF's federal lawsuit now heads to trial, CFF's legal team at the Alliance Defense Fund is holding both Governors and both DMV Commissioners responsible for unconstitutionally rejecting CFF's pro-adoption "Choose Life" License Plate in
"The DMV's moratorium is a textbook example of blatant and unconstitutional government censorship and government discrimination in
Since 2001, The Children First Foundation has granted over $58,000 to