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Global Pro-life Organization, PassionLife, Equips Believers to Save Babies, 97% of Abortions Occur Outside of the U.S.

Global pro-life organization, PassionLife, equips believers to save babies, 97% of abortions occur outside of the U.S.

‘Only 3% of abortions worldwide occur in the United States, yet 97% of pro-life resources are directed to America,’ says PassionLife President Pastor John Ensor

Jan. 27, 2025

MARRIETA, Ga., Jan. 27, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ -- As America continues to debate over the legality and ethics of abortion, millions of innocent infants are being murdered all around the world. Only 3% of abortions worldwide occur in the United States, yet it’s estimated that 97% of pro-life resources are directed to America. That’s why PassionLife works as a pro-life global missions partner to missionaries and Indigenous Christian leaders where the plague of abortion, infanticide and gendercide is especially concentrated.

PassionLife President Pastor John Ensor said, “It’s easy to think that the horrors of abortion only affect us here in America, but there are millions of innocent lives being slaughtered all around the world. When my eyes were opened to the reality of abortion worldwide, my heart just broke. Our mission is to equip believers with a biblical worldview and prepare them to love their pregnant neighbors with life-saving help. We target the countries where the plague of abortion has the greatest stronghold and watch the Christians there break that stronghold.”

In countries where abortion rates are the highest, PassionLife staff disciple people with a biblical worldview of human value, teaching them how to make the case for life in a secular culture and see abortion guilt and grief as an entry point for the Gospel’s offer of forgiveness and freedom. PassionLife also provides models of pregnancy crisis intervention services that can adapt to local cultures and neighborhoods.

“Even while we pray for the mothers and babies who are impacted by abortion here in America, we are working to expand pro-life ministry into a global missions movement,” said Ensor.

John Ensor, president of PassionLife has been a leader in the pro-life movement for over 30 years, and is an ordained Evangelical pastor. The mission of PassionLife is to help missionaries and indigenous Christian leaders serving in countries plagued by abortion to equip the global church in bioethics and pregnancy crisis intervention services. For more information, visit the PassionLife website at

SOURCE PassionLife

CONTACT: Hamilton Strategies,, Beth Bogucki, 610-584-1096 ext. 105, Dawn Foglein, ext. 100, or Robin Sprague, ext. 103