Contact: Michael Hichborn, American Life League, 540-226-9178
Last Thursday, I read a series of news reports that brought me face to face with the tragic consequences of more than 30 years of unabated abuse -- of drugs, the English language and the preborn child. The reports dealt with various situations, but all contain a common theme.
The first of these reports centered on a drug that is legal in
Manishkumar Patel is a man of some renown in
In the wake of the grisly deaths of two innocent children, the question arises as to how the man actually acquired the pills in the first place. The news report said Patel is from
So how did the pills get into this country when it is illegal to send drugs from one country to another? I think
We normally hear of mothers who do not want their children and thus arrange for their deaths in utero, but is it not rare for a father to do this? I would suggest to you that it is not and that perhaps the Patel case is but the tip of the iceberg in
What Patel did to two of his own children, causing their deaths by using an abortion drug that is legally protected in
Manishkumar Patel has been criminally charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child. One news report quoted court commissioner Brian Figy as calling the crime "devious, diabolical and deceiving." He set Patel's bail at $750,000.
This is yet another chapter in the story of
If the judicial system were to be perfectly honest rather than "devious, diabolical and deceiving," there would be a series of criminal charges brought against doctors who kill preborn children for any reason during pregnancy and with any instrument or chemical in their arsenal.
There would be multitudinous criminal charges brought against pharmaceutical companies which continue to deny that their birth control concoctions act as abortion-causing chemicals.
The courts would be filled with cases leveled against associations of medical professionals and so-called women's health groups that have chosen to redefine when a pregnancy begins. The definition of "pregnancy" was changed for the express purpose of not having to tell women that their birth control method of choice is actually a killer of innocent children. Under this deceptive definition, pregnancy begins when the new human being implants in the mother's womb; never mind the inconvenient fact that this brand new person's life actually began a week or so earlier at fertilization.
There would also be lawsuit after lawsuit against the men who so blithely go through their lives fulfilling their own sexual needs by making certain that the female of their choice is properly using the chemical or device that releases him from any culpability should a child come on the scene.
These examples represent a cultural problem that exists because of "devious, diabolical and deceiving" influences. But the justice system in
That is precisely why, I fear, Manishkumar Patel will probably get off scot free -- or close to it.
And what about the headline that told us there is no reason to re-examine the chemicals in the Gardasil vaccine, even though 28 mothers have miscarried their babies after getting it? The Gardasil vaccine is alleged to protect women from human papilloma virus. Are those 28 babies simply the price those mothers had to pay for being chemically protected from a sexually transmitted disease that would not occur at all if sexual relations were not taking place?
The culture of death is "devious, diabolical and deceiving." The life of a preborn child in
It's hard for me to imagine the loss of even one innocent child due to the malice of those who refuse to acknowledge that every person has value from the instant his live begins. But it is even more disheartening to realize that while you and I may be devastated to learn of the deaths Patel has caused, or Riase has caused, or Gardasil has caused, an overwhelming percentage of the people of this nation don't know about it, don't care about it and don't want to be inconvenienced by it.
Until the life of a single child prior to birth becomes as important to every American as a Christmas shopping list, a bridge date or a desire to satisfy every sexual whim, the body count will continue to rise.
While these examples show how a miscarriage of justice is a foregone conclusion, they also show why
As president and co-founder of American Life League, Judie Brown keys on the need to restore respect for innocent human beings in society, in the law and in daily life. Her pro-life activism began during a