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The Heartbeats of Nearly 20,000 Babies a Year in the Hands of Gov. John Kasich

Liberty Counsel will Defend our Heartbeat Law for Free 

Contact: Janet (Folger) Porter, 202-241-2ACT (2228)

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 9, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Heartbeat Bill, which passed the Ohio Senate and House on December 6, 2016 (added to H.B. 493), is now before Governor John Kasich.

"The fate of nearly 20,000 babies with beating hearts is in the hands of Governor John Kasich," said Janet (Folger) Porter, President of Faith2Action, author of the Heartbeat Bill and the driving force behind its passage for the last six years.  "If you care about protecting life, the most important call you can make is to Gov. Kasich at 614-466-3555.  And the most important time to make it is right now," stated Porter.

"Ask Governor Kasich to sign the Heartbeat Bill (within H.B. 493) and let the courts be the ones to decide the issue of Constitutionality--that's why we have courts," added Porter.  "Why would the Governor want to kill the Heartbeat Bill because the courts might?  That makes no sense."

"There will be no taxpayer expense because Mat Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel, called Governor Kasich today and offered to defend Ohio's Heartbeat Law for free," stated Porter.  Staver is the former dean of Liberty University School of Law.

"It's very interesting what the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals had to say about the Arkansas and North Dakota Heartbeat Laws," said Porter.  "The 8th Circuit asked the Supreme Court to review the issue because they determined 'heartbeat' to be a 'more certain and consistent' marker than viability, the standard the Supreme Court now uses."  Porter stated, "By the time our Heartbeat Law reaches the Supreme Court, we will have a brand new Trump-appointed Court." Porter, who initiated the nation's first Heartbeat Bill in 2011, added, "Now is the time!"