United Parcel Service (UPS) -- Could the UPS Translate to… Unapologetic Pandering Service?
Contact: Steve Ensley, Director, Cultural Polluters, 850-362-6180 Option 3
NICEVILLE, Fla., Dec. 10, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Pandering to any special interest group is more times than not – suspect; even more so when pandering to multiple groups is involved. Cultural Polluters has one purpose; to expose publically owned companies that not only pander, but provide financial support to further an agenda that is immoral and destructive to our families, our culture and our country.
United Parcel Service (UPS) is currently on their list of offenders.
Steve Ensley, director of Cultural Polluters, says, "If you think about it, a potential scenario might play out with a group of Boy Scouts participating in an overnight camp out with, unbeknownst to them or their parents, their homosexual scoutmaster. Does anyone seriously think that these young boys, who are dependent upon the scoutmaster for their very safety, are not in a vulnerable position?"
The Boy Scouts have taken a courageous stand to protect their members and leaders from being in such situations. However, one of their board members is pushing for them to change their position.
United Parcel Service (UPS) recently made the decision to deny giving future donations to the Boy Scouts of America unless the Boy Scouts agree to check a little box on the UPS request form that promises they will adhere to the non-discrimination sexual orientation policy held by UPS.
UPS donated $45.3 million last year (2011) to non-profit organizations. With this policy in place, none of that money will go to organizations that stand on principles that happen to be in opposition to those held by pro-homosexual advocates.
Ensley continues, "Not only do these young boys depend on the scoutmaster for their very survival but have most likely developed a trusting relationship on a non-sexual level. They have given their trust to their leader, are pledged to obey their leader and have their parents' explicit permission to be on that camp out and in that situation. Unfortunately, if this male scoutmaster is attracted to any of these young boys, he now has the means and opportunity to engage in criminal and immoral activity."
Cultural Polluters contends that it is well documented that this scenario has occurred and has the potential to repeat itself over and over again. This is the main reason they have chosen UPS as their "polluter of the month." They are encouraging anyone who agrees with their assessment to express your concern by avoiding shipping gifts via UPS this Christmas season.
Cultural Polluters encourages corporations to remain neutral on social issues. With this current policy, Cultural Polluters believes it is inevitable that people of traditional Judeo-Christian values will avoid their services and products.