Unique, New Book Provides Directions for Highly Fruitful Solutions to Meet and Upgrade All of Life's Spiritual and Material Needs by Using Your Currently Available Resources
Contact: Helen Cook, 903-654-0938
WESTON, Mass., June 10, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- The 400 Year Project founder, Donald W. Mitchell, launches his latest book, Excellent Solutions: How to Apply God's Wisdom for Greater Fruitfulness. Two versions are available – one for nonprofit organizations and the other for for-profit companies. The 400 Year Project is a Christian initiative to increase global fruitfulness by at least 20 times.
News reports reveal that many people lack some of the basics for sustaining a healthy and productive life: clean water, food, medicine, shelter, education, and a job. Some people who are well supplied with the basics recall times when their own circumstances were more favorable than now and are discouraged about the future. Others are concerned that some people seem determined to harm as many other people as possible and personally live in fear.
Excellent Solutions shows that there is more than sufficient time, effort, physical resources, and money available to greatly improve the spiritual, moral, health, emotional, and physical circumstances of almost everyone on Earth. While some make that argument based on redistributing what those with more have to those who have less, Excellent Solutions encourages, instead, upgrading what we all do and how we conduct our lives to provide such benefits.
Mitchell described the writing experience as follows: "God through the Holy Spirit provided the revelations and inspirations that made this book possible. I happily give Him thanks and gratefully acknowledge that He deserves all the credit for the remarkable methods He revealed to me. Please join me in praising Him!"
Due to Mitchell's desire that all readers receive adequate, timely support for their questions about applying the book's methods, sales will be limited to just a few copies each month.
To be sure that the book is first available to those who will make best use of it, Excellent Solutions is only available through Mitchell's organization. To obtain copies, potential purchasers should send an e-mail to: save_more_souls@yahoo.com explaining how they plan to use the book's lessons. Those with the most fruitful purposes will be the first to receive directions for purchasing a paperback or digital copy of either the nonprofit or the for-profit edition.