Devastating Stats the 'Reproductive Rights' Community Won't Share
Georgia Right to Life
Nov. 5, 2024
ATLANTA, Nov. 5, 2024 /Standard Newswire/ -- Georgia Right to Life, an organization that has stood for the life of innocent pre-born children for more than 50 years, would like to share troublesome insight about the devastating impact abortion has had on the black community, particularly in the battleground states—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
According to data from the Lozier Institute, more than 80,000 black babies were aborted in these battleground states in 2022. In Georgia, 63% percent of the abortions occurred in the black community, 53% in Michigan, 47% in North Carolina, 43% in Pennsylvania, 30% in Nevada and 12% in Arizona. For additional data about abortion in the black community—in the battleground states, please see the attached infographic (click on image for high resolution).
"While these numbers are horrific because they represent innocent lives lost to abortion—not 'reproductive rights,' what's equally troubling is these deaths are covered up by political rhetoric," said Zemmie Fleck, executive director, Georgia Right to Life. "Most people don't know just how insurmountable the losses are and how high the numbers are climbing—and the states that will likely determine the outcome of the election—have some of the highest abortion rates among black women in this country. It's a head scratcher because those who shout the loudest about 'reproductive freedom' and profess to care about women, are at the same time, encouraging them to kill their own children—and essentially kill future voters."
In 2022, the total number of abortions in the battleground states reached 167,216 of those 80,044 were Black babies. According to the National Vital Statistics Report, the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) for Blacks has been dropping since abortion was legalized. In 1950, it was 3.6 per woman but fell to 2.3 births per woman in 1975. In 2021, the rate was at 1.675. In 2022, the rate was at 1,460. According to experts, no culture has reversed a 1.9 fertility rate. The Black population is shrinking—and it’s nearly impossible for a shrinking demographic to replace itself.
"Those who shout 'reproductive rights' don't share the long-term consequences of abortion—which for the Black community is a smaller population. The only way to end the population control, the slaughter of preborn children and the danger to women is to recognize the sanctity of all innocent human life with a Constitutional amendment that recognizes the personhood of all human beings regardless of age, sex, ability or environment," said Fleck.
About Georgia Right to Life
Founded in 1971, Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of several organizations that have adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century.
SOURCE Georgia Right to Life
CONTACT: Zemmie Fleck, 678-936-9673,
The Battleground States: Ground Zero for Abortion in the Black Community