Contact: Sarah Rode, Concerned Women for America, 202-488-7000 ext. 127
WASHINGTON, April 11 /Standard Newswire/ -- In a thoughtless and offensive exercise of political hyperbole from the floor of the United Nations, a representative of the deceptively-named Human Rights Campaign recently likened the imagined "plight" of homosexuals in America to the very real humanitarian tragedy in Darfur. Homosexual activist groups have organized a "Day of Silence" to promote this victim mentality among children in hundreds of schools across
Photo: Matt Barber
Matt Barber, CWA's Policy Director for Cultural Issues, warned, "The radical homosexual lobby has done a masterful job of infiltrating our government schools to gain control of the minds of
The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) notes, "The Day of Silence is a misnomer because what is truly being silenced is the Truth." ADF has organized a "Day of Truth" following the "Day of Silence" on April 19 to encourage students to speak the truth in love without disrupting learning during the school day. As part of the "Not Our Kids" coalition, and as an ADF allied organization, CWA encourages parents to keep their children home on April 18 if their school is participating in the "Day of Silence" and prepare them to participate in ADF's "Day of Truth."
"During the 'Day of Silence,' kids are deceptively taught that Biblical truth, which holds that human sexuality is a gift from God shared between husband and wife within the bonds of marriage, is 'homophobic,' 'hateful' and 'discriminatory.' Parents with traditional values have had enough, and it's time to act. Both the 'Not Our Kids' strategy and ADF's 'Day of Truth' are terrific and peaceful ways to use God's truth to break the silence and confront anti-Christian homosexual activism," concluded Barber.
For more information on "Not Our Kids" and the "Day of Truth," please visit the following Web sites: Not Our Kids – www.notourkids.com. ADF – www.alliancedefensefund.org.
Concerned Women for