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Legal Action Exposes: President Lied About 'Complaints' on Transgender Policies

Public Advocate Exposes Obama Transgendered Bathroom Fraud "Not Chorus, not even Octet" says Group Head

Contact: Eugene Delgaudio, Public Advocate, 703-845-1808,; twitter: @eugenedelgaudio, @publicfreedom 

FALLS CHURCH, Va., Oct. 6, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Public Advocate, a non-profit group, announced today they have uncovered proof that the President, and two federal agencies, lied when telling the nation in an address and posted statements earlier this year that a "growing chorus" had complained and that he was responding to a national outpouring about transgender bathroom and shower policies.

In response to a legal review of 424 pages of documents provided by the federal government, Public Advocate's President Eugene Delgaudio stated today October 6, 2016 in a statement from his Falls Church, Virginia office that:

    "Public Advocate has now exposed the lies underlying this lawless transgendered bathroom decree.

    "Two Obama departments claimed that in opening the girls bathroom and showers to boys that it was acting in response to the requests of a 'growing chorus of educators, parents, and students' who demanded it. But we now know that this claim is a fraud upon the American people.

    "There was no 'growing chorus' of Americans supporting transgender access to the bathroom of their choice - in fact there were only six individual letters - not even an octet. In fact, if there is a 'growing chorus' who communicated their views - it was made up of those hundreds of parents who strongly opposed what the Obama Administration has now done. Public Advocate has obtained over 100,000 likes, petitions, and shares on just a handful of websites responding negatively and in opposition to President Obama's transgender policies. (

    "We now see that Obama based this grotesque social experiment on the views of only six troubled and confused Americans, along with 27 pre-written 'form letters.'  Meanwhile, the Department of Education completely ignored the over 4,000 Americans who wrote it to oppose the idea."

Timeline and Discoveries of Legal Action By Public Advocate

On May 13, 2016, the Obama Administration, acting jointly through the Department of Education ("DOE") and Department of Justice ("DOJ"), issued what it called a "guidance letter" to the nation's public schools, threatening to withhold federal funding unless schools permit students to use the bathroom or locker room which they feel like using on that particular day.

The Department of Education's Official Blog (, on that same day explained the reason for this change.  It represented to the American people that this massive social science experiment with our nation's children was necessary because such guidance had been demanded from:

    "a growing chorus of educators, parents, and students around the country about the need for guidance on how schools can successfully support transgender students and non-transgender students in compliance with federal civil rights laws."

The Department of Justice also used this same language in its blogpost of May 13, 2016. (

The only supposed request cited by either department was from the National Association of Secondary School Principals ("NASSP").  The NASSP document was actually only a draft policy ( put out for public comment - just in time to be referenced in the DOE/DOJ letter.

Public Advocate smelled a rat in the DOE/DOJ claim of a "growing chorus" of people demanding that the federal government issue needed "guidance" on bathroom desegregation. To learn more, Public Advocate filed Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") requests with both DOE and DOJ late on the very same day the guidance was issued, seeking copies of all -letters, emails, petitions, etc.- that these departments have supposedly received from individuals concerning school bathroom desegregation.

DOE was the first to respond, and released 424 pages of documents in response to Public Advocate's FOIA request on September 12.

DOJ, now under the control of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, has slow-walked the Public Advocate FOIA request, but has recently advised Public Advocate that the DOE instead would have any such records, and there is only an "outside possibility" that DOJ has any records at all.

Public Advocate has now had a chance to review the documents DOE produced.  As it turns out, our suspicions were confirmed.  Contrary to the Obama Administrations assertions that a
"growing chorus" of individuals have asked for bathroom desegregation, just the opposite is true!

Here is what was found from the review of these documents:

    DOE received only six letters from individuals actually supporting transgendered bathrooms.  On the other hand, it received 42 letters from individuals specifically asking DOE not to give in to transgender bathroom demands.  That means seven times as many people wrote opposed the DOE's plan than wrote to support it!

    In addition to individual letters, DOE received 27 pre-written "form letters" in favor of bathroom desegregation, but it received at least 4,101 petitions asking that DOE not desegregate school bathrooms!  That's 157 times more people opposed to the idea than in favor of it! One Public Advocate social website post on facebook has 50,000 opposed to the policy.

    Additionally, DOE received a handful of letters from pro-homosexual/transgender lobbying groups - all special interest groups - much different from the individual "educators, parents, and students," as DOE and DOJ had claimed.

Public Advocate hit the nail squarely on the head. The Obama Administration continues to force radical, leftist policies on this country that are opposed by a majority of Americans.  And by the way, DOE eventually agreed to waive the Freedom of Information search fees associated with the Public Advocate request.

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