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Anglican Watch Opposes Todd Ousley as Bishop Provisional of Wyoming

Anglican Watch
Jan. 27, 2025

ALEXANDRIA, Va., Jan. 27, 2025 /Christian Newswire/ -- Anglican Watch, the unofficial watchdog of the Episcopal Church, today announced its opposition to Todd Ousley's candidacy as bishop provisional for the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming. The Diocese will hold a special convention via Zoom on March 2 to consider Ousley’s nomination as the sole candidate for the position.

“Ousley has a dismal track record,” said Anglican Watch editor Eric Bonetti. “This includes repeatedly refusing to follow the church’s Title IV clergy disciplinary canons, sandbagging complaints against bishops, and even providing others false information about the provisions of Title IV during his time in the Office of Pastoral Development.

“Even worse, Ousley has a long track record of looking out for his fellow bishops in ways that are harmful to the church and its members.

“For example, in the case of Whayne Hougland, a former bishop of the Michigan dioceses, Ousley rewarded Houghland’s extramarital affair with generous severance payments, a cushy new job at an affluent Chicago parish, and more.

“Ousley did all of this while ignoring the needs of those hurt by Houghland’s misconduct, contacting them only when it was time to write the check to Houghland.

“Tellingly, Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe now says that Ousley, the man responsible for training other bishops in Title IV, needs Title IV training himself.”

Bonetti continued, “In short, Wyoming has been hurt deeply by its last bishop, who failed to honor the vows he made at his consecration. Now, the church proposes to install Ousley, who has spent his career disregarding his vows as a bishop, all while aiding the comfortable and afflicting those hurt by the church. In other words, we regard Ousley as sinful and corrupt.

“We categorically oppose Ousley’s nomination and believe that members of the Diocese of Wyoming deserve the ability to conduct a real election versus the current proposal for a Soviet-style, one-candidate thumbs-up. Additionally, Ousley’s track record demonstrates that he is entirely unsuited for the position.

“Finally, we remind all participants in the upcoming Wyoming special convention that they are free to follow their conscience and need not vote to approve Ousley,” Bonetti concluded.

Anglican Watch is the unofficial watchdog of the Episcopal Church. It covers abuse and misconduct within the church. Founded in 2015, we are online at

SOURCE Anglican Watch

CONTACT: Eric Bonetti, 240-630-3767,