Contact: Brad Dacus, Pacific Justice Institute, 916-616-4126
ANAHEIM, Calif., Oct. 5, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is excited to announce some significant changes to this year's Celebration of Justice (COJ): 20 Years Defending Freedom!
This festive evening will feature as the keynote speaker* Greg Gutfeld—host of the hit Fox News Channel shows The Greg Gutfeld Show and The Five—and will be held at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel in Anaheim on October 28, 2017 from 6:00 to 9:30 p.m. (VIP reception begins at 5 p.m.).
Space is limited. Please visit PJI.org/COJ to purchase your table or tickets now, and join 500 prominent conservatives of Southern California along with religious and political leaders from across the state.
Todd Starnes, host of Fox News and Commentary will be joining COJ as the VIP reception keynote speaker and emcee for the main event. Todd Starnes will also have a book signing of his recently released book: The Deplorables' Guide to Making America Great Again.
Pastor Greg Laurie, senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, with campuses in California and Hawaii will be joining the COJ to accept the Passing the Torch Award for his steadfast commitment to evangelism through Harvest Crusades.
For additional information or to register, visit PJI.org/COJ today!