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Discover Ancient Faith in Modern Times with American Orthodox

New Way Press
Feb. 12, 2025

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Feb. 12, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ -- Author and filmmaker Robert John Hammond invites readers to explore the rich tapestry of Orthodox Christianity in American Orthodox: Finding the Ancient Faith in the Modern World. This captivating book delves into sacred traditions, holy people, and miracles, connecting the ancient faith to today’s seekers in a deeply personal and transformative journey.

The book serves as the foundation for the forthcoming documentary American Orthodox, filmed by Silas Karbo, producer of the award-winning Sacred Alaska. A visually stunning exploration of faith, the documentary brings to life the saints, miracles, and sacred sites featured in the book, including Fort Ross, California—a spiritual landmark where five Orthodox saints once walked: Saint Peter the Aleut, Saint Tikhon, Saint Innocent, Saint Sebastian of Jackson, and Saint John Maximovitch, the Wonderworker of San Francisco.

On October 3-4, 2025, Orthodox Christians and friends from across the globe will come together for an extraordinary celebration of faith, fellowship, and unity. The commemoration begins with an all-day conference at Saint Seraphim of Sarov Cathedral in Santa Rosa, California on October 3, featuring insightful speakers and discussions. On October 4, the 100-year anniversary of continuous Divine Liturgies at Fort Ross will be marked by joyful celebrations, inspiring addresses, and prayers. While the miraculous story of the icon that washed ashore at Fort Ross—a central theme of both the book and film—will be acknowledged, the focus of the gathering will be on honoring Fort Ross as a sacred and historical site and celebrating the shared heritage of Orthodox spirituality.

Robert John Hammond, author of The Light and CB DeMille: The Man Who Invented Hollywood, masterfully intertwines faith and storytelling to reveal Orthodoxy’s enduring relevance for the modern world.

SOURCE New Way Press

CONTACT: Lesa Hammond, 510-677-5258,