On Independence Day Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Philadelphia Celebrates Freedom to Choose Faith-Based Cancer Care
Contact: Deborah Hamilton, Hamilton Strategies, 215-815-7716
PHILADELPHIA, July 2, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- While many Americans mark July 4th with barbeques and fireworks, the staff and patients at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) in Philadelphia are mindful of the freedoms that our Founding Fathers fought for more than 200 years ago. As a result of their struggles and victory, Americans can still continue to have freedom of choice over a wide variety of options in life, including where and what kind of health care to obtain.
For CTCA patients, freedoms earned offer them the ability to choose a hospital where faith and pastoral care are coupled with the latest medical advances to create a treatment plan that addresses the whole person, not just their cancer, with excellent results. Many patients travel hundreds of miles to receive this type of whole-person care.
"At CTCA, we're grateful that people have the ability to choose the kind of care we offer that provides them with the whole-person attention they are seeking," said Rev. Dr. Michael Barry. "We've witnessed incredible improvements in health and quality of life of many of our patients that engage in the spiritual care at CTCA and also in our community outreach program, Our Journey of Hope. I thank God that our patients have the freedom to choose the kind of cancer care that fits their needs and that we have an opportunity to share their journeys."
Besides praying with patients, the pastoral care team at CTCA teaches programs on hopefulness, caregiving and forgiveness -- all with the goal of helping patients improve or maintain a high quality life on their road to survivorship.
"By giving patients the freedom to choose to forgive or to remain hopeful even during times of darkness, we're able to help improve their quality of life across a wide variety of relationships and situations, adds Barry.
For more information about faith-based care for cancer patients, visit OurJourneyofHope.com, or ReleaseNow.org.
Founded in 1988, Cancer Treatment Centers of America® provides a comprehensive, patient-centered treatment model that fully integrates traditional, state-of-the-art medical treatments with scientifically supported complementary therapies such as nutrition, naturopathic medicine, psychological counseling, physical therapy and spiritual support to meet the special, whole-person needs of advanced stage cancer patients. With a network of cancer treatment hospitals and community oncology programs in Arizona, Illinois, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Washington and Georgia, CTCA encourages patients and their families to participate in treatment decisions with its Patient Empowerment MedicineSM model. www.cancercenter.com.