Millions of Global Christians United in Prayer on October 7

Contact: Joel James, 716-759-1058
BUFFALO, NY, Oct. 8, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Millions of Christians united across denominational, cultural, and political differences on Sunday, October 7, as part of The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) ( to intercede for the city God calls His own and to invoke God's blessing, purposes, and provision upon all of Jerusalem's people. From over 175 nations, believers gathered to pray in their worship services, in their homes, on college campuses, in regional gatherings, and on a 24 Hour Prayer Conference Call.
Broadcast by GOD TV to over 200 nations, Christians were also able to join the special DPPJ Celebration at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem. It was co-hosted by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem ( ICEJ), who had gathered more than 5,000 believers from nearly 90 countries for that week. Its Executive Director - Dr. Jürgen Bühler - told the packed audience: "We have to pray for Israel like never before and stand with Israel like never before. We have to pray for all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, both Jew and Arab…and as we pray for Israel, we must pray for the Arab nations too."
This multinational, multi-denominational global prayer movement was started in 2002 by Evangelical Christian leaders with Dr. Jack W. Hayford and Rev. Dr. Robert Stearns serving as co-chairmen. Rev. Stearns, Founder/Director of Eagles' Wings, explained: "We are gathering together in Jerusalem during the season of the High Holidays and declaring that Christians will continue to pray for G-d's peace to come to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. We will remind G-d of His promises, and we will remind Israel's detractors that Israel is not alone."
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin - Founder and Chancellor of Ohr Torah Stone – shared: "We [Christians and Jews] were previous enemies, but now we are important friends. This event is more than just prayer; it explains what prayer is all about… Zechariah 4:6 says: 'Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord.'"
Christians participating in the DPPJ observances not only pray for Jerusalem, but also add practical action to their intercession. This year a check of $20,000 was presented by Robert Stearns from the DPPJ offerings to support two Eagles' Wings Feeding Centers in Israel, which feed both Arab and Jewish poor in Jerusalem and Tiberias.
Additionally, millions participated by praying in their churches, homes and special services throughout October 7, from cities and rural villages, from huts and mansions, cathedrals and simple church buildings, and from college campuses to underground churches in China and seven Muslim countries. One pastor in India, P. Noel Samuel - head of the Indian Pentecostal Church of God in Andhra Pradesh –had his 1000 churches and 70,000 believers participating in this year's DPPJ, and he is just one of over 1200 global endorsing leaders.
Throughout the 24 hours of October 7, 613 believers from around the world also prayed together through an internet "virtual prayer room" created by the 24-Hour DPPJ Prayer Conference Call ( Callers representing 32 U.S. states were joined by believers from many nations, including Kenya, Australia, Australia, Canada and Germany. The Lord was praised, shofars were blown, and the people raised their diverse voices in one accord as they prayed for Jerusalem and her people groups.
The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem –on the first Sunday every October - is the largest Jerusalem-focused prayer initiative in the world, involving tens of millions of believers participating each year from over 175 nations. It is endorsed by over 1,200 prominent Christian leaders worldwide, including Jack Hayford, Paul Cedar, Dick Eastman, Ron Luce, Kay Arthur, John Hagee, Jane Hansen Hoyt, K.P. Yohannan, T. D Jakes, Ravi Zacharias, Mosy Madugba, Kenneth Copeland, Samuel Rodriguez, Joyce Meyer, Lance Wallnau, Larry Stockstill, Bishop Charles Scott, Newsboys, Thomas Wang, Sunday Adelaja, and many more.
Broadcast by GOD TV to over 200 nations, Christians were also able to join the special DPPJ Celebration at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem. It was co-hosted by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem ( ICEJ), who had gathered more than 5,000 believers from nearly 90 countries for that week. Its Executive Director - Dr. Jürgen Bühler - told the packed audience: "We have to pray for Israel like never before and stand with Israel like never before. We have to pray for all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, both Jew and Arab…and as we pray for Israel, we must pray for the Arab nations too."
This multinational, multi-denominational global prayer movement was started in 2002 by Evangelical Christian leaders with Dr. Jack W. Hayford and Rev. Dr. Robert Stearns serving as co-chairmen. Rev. Stearns, Founder/Director of Eagles' Wings, explained: "We are gathering together in Jerusalem during the season of the High Holidays and declaring that Christians will continue to pray for G-d's peace to come to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. We will remind G-d of His promises, and we will remind Israel's detractors that Israel is not alone."
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin - Founder and Chancellor of Ohr Torah Stone – shared: "We [Christians and Jews] were previous enemies, but now we are important friends. This event is more than just prayer; it explains what prayer is all about… Zechariah 4:6 says: 'Not by might, nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord.'"
Christians participating in the DPPJ observances not only pray for Jerusalem, but also add practical action to their intercession. This year a check of $20,000 was presented by Robert Stearns from the DPPJ offerings to support two Eagles' Wings Feeding Centers in Israel, which feed both Arab and Jewish poor in Jerusalem and Tiberias.
Additionally, millions participated by praying in their churches, homes and special services throughout October 7, from cities and rural villages, from huts and mansions, cathedrals and simple church buildings, and from college campuses to underground churches in China and seven Muslim countries. One pastor in India, P. Noel Samuel - head of the Indian Pentecostal Church of God in Andhra Pradesh –had his 1000 churches and 70,000 believers participating in this year's DPPJ, and he is just one of over 1200 global endorsing leaders.
Throughout the 24 hours of October 7, 613 believers from around the world also prayed together through an internet "virtual prayer room" created by the 24-Hour DPPJ Prayer Conference Call ( Callers representing 32 U.S. states were joined by believers from many nations, including Kenya, Australia, Australia, Canada and Germany. The Lord was praised, shofars were blown, and the people raised their diverse voices in one accord as they prayed for Jerusalem and her people groups.
The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem –on the first Sunday every October - is the largest Jerusalem-focused prayer initiative in the world, involving tens of millions of believers participating each year from over 175 nations. It is endorsed by over 1,200 prominent Christian leaders worldwide, including Jack Hayford, Paul Cedar, Dick Eastman, Ron Luce, Kay Arthur, John Hagee, Jane Hansen Hoyt, K.P. Yohannan, T. D Jakes, Ravi Zacharias, Mosy Madugba, Kenneth Copeland, Samuel Rodriguez, Joyce Meyer, Lance Wallnau, Larry Stockstill, Bishop Charles Scott, Newsboys, Thomas Wang, Sunday Adelaja, and many more.