Contact: Louis White, Principal, Spring Football League, 810-602-3818
ARLINGTON, Texas, Dec. 6, 2011 /Standard Newswire/ -- The Spring Football League campaign launched their Christmas Fundraising initiative, starting with Team Texas, to raise funds for establishing Spring Football in America. "The timing is perfect for us to prepare for the Spring and we want players, families and fans to be able to engage with us to support the establishment of Spring Football, says Louis White", league Founder.
The Spring Football League has partnered with www.PrepSportsWear.com in an non-exclusive agreement to raise funds for the SFL campaign, promote investment and team ownership opportunities.
Over the next several weeks, the SFL will be introducing Reality Videos of aspiring players telling their story of what another opportunity to play on the professional level would mean starting with Christopher Evans, a 6'6", 350 pound former offensive lineman from Baylor.
For more detailed information. regarding the Spring Football League campaign, investment or marketing opportunities, email info@springfootballleague.com.