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Judicial Watch: New Clinton Documents Raise Questions on Benghazi, Clinton Foundation
Two days after Benghazi attack, Libyan president sought meeting with Bill Clinton through Clinton Foundation event

Contact: Jill Farrell, Judicial Watch, 202-646-5172

WASHINGTON, March 22, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Judicial Watch today released 276 pages of internal State Department documents revealing that within two days of the deadly terrorist attack on Benghazi, Mohamed Yusuf al-Magariaf, the president of Libya's National Congress, asked to participate in a Clinton Global Initiative function and "meet President Clinton." The meeting between the Libyan president and Bill Clinton had not previously been disclosed. The documents also show Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's staff coordinated with the Clinton Foundation's staff to have her thank Clinton Global Initiative project sponsors for their "commitments" during a Foundation speech on September 25, 2009.

The Judicial Watch documents were obtained as a result of a federal court order in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department on May 28, 2013, (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-00772)).

In September 13, 2012, al-Magariaf advisor Dr. Fathi Nuah wrote to the Clinton Foundation's Director of Foreign Policy Amitabh Desai: "Dr. Almagariaf will be addressing the United Nations this September in New York as the Libyan Head of State, and he expressed a wish to meet President Clinton and to participate at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting for New York as well."

Four hours later, Desai emailed Hillary Clinton's Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills asking, "Would USG [U.S. Government] have concerns about Libyan President being invited to CGI [Clinton Global Initiative]? Odd timing, I know." Mills emailed back: "We would not have issues."

Four days later, on September 17, Desai emailed Mills again, saying, The Libyan president is "asking for a meeting with WJC [William Jefferson Clinton] next week." Desai asked, "Would you recommend accepting or declining the WJC meeting request?"

The State Department apparently had no objection to the meeting, because on September 26, Desai emailed Mills, "He had a v good meeting with Libya ..." Hillary Clinton and al-Magariaf did not have a meeting on September 24.

An August 2009 email chain including Hillary Clinton's then- Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, Mills, then-Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Jake Sullivan shows that the State Department coordinated with Clinton Foundation staff on how Mrs. Clinton was to thank Foundation supporters/partners for their "commitments." Mills asks Desai for a "list of commitments during whole session so she can reference more than those just around her speech."

Caitlin Klevorick, Senior Advisor to the Counselor and Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State who previously worked at the Foundation, notes: "one question is if we want to see if there is a decent mass of fs [funds] related commitments to announce together at closing as a 'mega' commitment."

The State Department material includes background information made by Clinton Foundation partners, which include Foundation donors Nduna Foundation, Grupo ABCA, and Britannia Industries...