WASHINGTON, July 23, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- To mark its 10th anniversary, China Aid Association is holding a half-day human rights seminar followed by an awards ceremony on Tuesday July 24, 2012 in the nation's capital. Media are invited to participate and to conduct interviews with U.S. Congressional leaders, scholars and experts, Chinese human rights activists and the families of the victims of human rights abuses.
Date: Tuesday July 24, 2012
Place: Capitol Hill
I. Seminar on "Human Rights, Religious Freedom and Rule of Law in China: A 10-Year Review and Future Prospects"
Time: 10-11:30 a.m.
Place: Cannon Building HOB Room 210
Attendees, speakers and guests include:
1. Sen. John Cornyn, (R-Tex.), member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Budget, Finance Committee and Judiciary Committee
2. Rep. Judge John Carter, (R-Tex.), member of the House Appropriations Committee
3. Ms. Sharon Hom, executive director of Human Rights in China
4. Dr. David Aikman, former Time magazine bureau chief in Beijing and Jerusalem, author of Jesus in Beijing, professor at Patrick Henry College
5. Dr. Li Baiguang, a prominent Chinese human rights lawyer
6. Pastor Shi Weihan, house church leader and former prisoner of faith who was imprisoned for three years
7. Joe Torres, China Aid Association's chairman of the board
These speakers will summarize the human rights, religious freedom and rule of law situation in China over the past 10 years, and discuss the prospects in the coming 10 years and the conditions needed to achieve freedom.
II. Luncheon Award Ceremony for ChinaAid's first "2012 Religious Freedom and Rule of Law Defenders Award" and "Defenders of Freedom in China Award"
Time: 12-1:30 p.m.
Place: Rayburn Building Room B-338 HOB
1. At the luncheon, the first award to be given out is to be the "2012 Religious Freedom and Rule of Law Defenders Award." ChinaAid's board of directors selected Dr. Fan Yafeng, Dr. Teng Biao and lawyer Jiang Tianyong for this year's prize, which is comprised of a trophy and $5,000 each.
2. Three outstanding Congressmen who have been long-time champions of human rights in China will be awarded the "Defenders of Freedom in China Award." Congressmen Chris Smith, Frank Wolf and Jim McGovern will each get a trophy.
3. ChinaAid is authorized to announce the winners of the Chinese Human Rights Lawyers Association's "Ten Best Human Rights Defense Lawyers Award." This association was founded in Beijing in May 2010. Each winner will receive a certificate and 6,000 yuan (about $1,000).
They are:
1) Gao Zhisheng高智晟
2) Zheng Encheng郑恩宠
3) Wang Yonghang王永航
4) Li Subin李苏滨
5) Teng Biao滕彪
6) Jiang Tianyong江天勇
7) Liu Wei(female)刘巍女士
8) Tang Jitian唐吉田
9) Li Heping李和平
10) Li Xiongbing 黎雄兵
In addition a "Special Recognition" award will go to Dr. Fan Yafeng范亚峰.
Each of these ten lawyers has been persecuted through imprisonment, torture, kidnapping or hooding with a black bag -- some for a few weeks, others for years -- because of their work for religious freedom, the rule of law and human rights. Geng He, the wife of attorney Gao Zhisheng, is to receive the award on her husband's behalf and make some remarks.
Some of ChinaAid's past and present board members will also be in attendance, including Charlie Erickson and Doug Robison.
VIP guests and speakers at the luncheon are to include:
1. Rep. Chris Smith, Vice Chairman of House Committee for Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC)
2. Rep. Frank Wolf, Chairman of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission
3. Rep. Jim McGovern, Co-Chairman of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission
4. Rep. Joe Pitts, senior member of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC)
5. Dr. Peter Lillback, president of Westminster Seminary and founder of the Providence Forum
6. Ms. Geng He, wife of Christian human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who is in prison and has been tortured.
In addition, some members of ChinaAid's board are to speak at the awards ceremony.
Also to be in attendance at the seminar and luncheon award ceremony are:
1. Pastor and Mrs. Wang Dao, from a house church in Guangzhou and imprisoned for their faith
2. Chen Qiao, daughter of Mr. Li Subin, a Christian who is serving a 10-year sentence.
Media are invited to attend both events and will be free to conduct interviews.