Unprecedented Worship Gathering on the National Mall in Washington D.C.
Contact: Awaken the Dawn Press, 202-871-9374 ext 101
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Between October 6-9, 2017, our nation is being called to an unprecedented worship gathering on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The Mall will become a 'tent-city' filled with tents representing every state in America. Thousands will come and gather in simple obedience – to bring worship, music, prayer, and the gospel to our nation's capital.
Each of the 50 states will have a tent for day and night prayer, with larger regional tents scattered throughout, filled with day and night worship and music. On the final day–all day–Awaken the Dawn will partner with Rise Up | The Call in a big stage venue where thousands will worship, pray, and preach the gospel with signs and wonders. The ultimate goal is to commission a generation to complete the Great Commission.
"Nothing like this has ever been done before in our nation's capital. Washington, D.C. will be a resting place for the presence of God and a staging ground for missions," said David Bradshaw, leader of this national grassroots movement. "Awaken the Dawn is a worship movement, a prayer movement, and a missions movement. Our dream is to see a generation galvanized with the glory of Jesus and the presence of God – a millennial generation who ushers in the next Great Awakening. It's not just an idea. It's not just talk. It is time for this generation to take it's place in history."
David Bradshaw is the Lead Pastor of Awakening Community Church and heads up the Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace. David carries a message of spiritual hunger, worship and prayer, the knowledge of God, and the urgency of the hour. David's life labor is for a Third Great Awakening to be birthed in America through day and night prayer and mission.
Awaken the Dawn, is a mobilization strategy where state-wide mobilizers will gather their states and regions together in a relational, grassroots movement. The focus will be to preach the gospel and send out the youth of America for a new Jesus movement, and the completion of the Great Commission in the nations. The hope is that the unity that many have been praying for will come as this generation gathers – not around each other, but around the presence of God, the worth of Jesus, and the Great Commission.
Website | www.awakenthedawn.org Facebook | Awaken the Dawn 2017
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Between October 6-9, 2017, our nation is being called to an unprecedented worship gathering on the National Mall in Washington D.C. The Mall will become a 'tent-city' filled with tents representing every state in America. Thousands will come and gather in simple obedience – to bring worship, music, prayer, and the gospel to our nation's capital.
Each of the 50 states will have a tent for day and night prayer, with larger regional tents scattered throughout, filled with day and night worship and music. On the final day–all day–Awaken the Dawn will partner with Rise Up | The Call in a big stage venue where thousands will worship, pray, and preach the gospel with signs and wonders. The ultimate goal is to commission a generation to complete the Great Commission.
"Nothing like this has ever been done before in our nation's capital. Washington, D.C. will be a resting place for the presence of God and a staging ground for missions," said David Bradshaw, leader of this national grassroots movement. "Awaken the Dawn is a worship movement, a prayer movement, and a missions movement. Our dream is to see a generation galvanized with the glory of Jesus and the presence of God – a millennial generation who ushers in the next Great Awakening. It's not just an idea. It's not just talk. It is time for this generation to take it's place in history."
David Bradshaw is the Lead Pastor of Awakening Community Church and heads up the Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace. David carries a message of spiritual hunger, worship and prayer, the knowledge of God, and the urgency of the hour. David's life labor is for a Third Great Awakening to be birthed in America through day and night prayer and mission.
Awaken the Dawn, is a mobilization strategy where state-wide mobilizers will gather their states and regions together in a relational, grassroots movement. The focus will be to preach the gospel and send out the youth of America for a new Jesus movement, and the completion of the Great Commission in the nations. The hope is that the unity that many have been praying for will come as this generation gathers – not around each other, but around the presence of God, the worth of Jesus, and the Great Commission.
Website | www.awakenthedawn.org Facebook | Awaken the Dawn 2017