Breitbart, Judicial Watch Voter Survey: 76% of Election Day Voters Support State Laws Requiring Voter ID
92% Concerned over Government Corruption – 89% oppose current Obamacare law
Contact: Jill Farrell, Judicial Watch, 202-646-5188
WASHINGTON, Nov. 7, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Judicial Watch and today released the results of a joint election night survey of voters conducted by The Polling Company Inc. The poll reflects the responses of 806 actual 2014 voters. Highlights include:
- A large majority of respondents (76%) consider "laws that require voters to present a photo ID before casting a ballot" to be "mostly fair." Only 21% consider it "mostly unfair." A total of 69% of Americans consider it "not a burden at all." Among minorities, 45% of Blacks and 51% of Hispanics consider it "not a burden at all."
- When asked whether illegal aliens should receive "discounted 'in-state' tuition rates, subsidized by taxpayers, for state-run colleges and universities" 76% of voters disagree, 65% strongly. Among minorities, 58% of Blacks and 59% of Hispanics disagree (8% of Blacks and 31% of Hispanics strongly disagree).
- A majority of voters (58%) believe "We should enforce current laws that require illegal immigrants to return to their home countries." And half of all Americans (50%) believe the United States should change current immigration law to slow the rate of legal immigration.
- Among minorities, 57% of Blacks and 53% of Hispanics agree with the statement, "We should change immigration law to provide legal status to illegal immigrants present in the United States." Only 25% of white respondents agree with that statement.
- When asked, "Do you agree or disagree that President Obama should through executive action allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United States," 63% disagree (53% "strongly," 10% "somewhat"). Only 30% agree. Among minorities, 52% of Blacks and 60% of Hispanics agree that Obama should allow illegal immigrants to remain through executive action.
- Corruption in the federal government continues to be a serious concern among voters, with 92% now saying they consider it a serious problem and 65% saying they consider it "very serious." This is a 7% increase over the Breitbart/Judicial Watch 2012 election night survey, when 85% expressed concern over government corruption.
- An overwhelming number of voters did not believe President Obama had kept his 2008 promise to have the "most transparent government in history." A full 80% said that the federal government has become "less transparent" or "stayed about the same" over the past six years. Of these, 46% said "less transparent," and 34% said "stayed about the same." Only 16% said the government has become "more transparent" during the Obama administration.
- When asked about ballot integrity/voter fraud, 74% consider it a problem and only 22% do not. 35% of those asked consider it a "major problem" and 39% consider it a "minor problem."