Anglican Watch
Jan. 30, 2025
ALEXANDRIA, Va., Jan. 30, 2025 /Standard Newswire/ — Todd Ousley, the nominee for bishop provisional of Wyoming, has repeatedly ignored egregious cases of clergy misconduct, including a situation involving child rape that was mishandled on the diocesan level and a case of sexual harassment of an adult female. As a result, Anglican Watch, the unofficial watchdog for the Episcopal Church., believes Ousley is disqualified from any future role as a bishop in the denomination.
In an article posted today, Anglican Watch reviewed the Richard Losch case, in which an Episcopal priest allegedly raped a boy at summer camp.
Complaints from the victim were ignored by various Episcopal bishops, including Alan Gates of Massachusetts and Glenda Curry, of Alabama.
Desperate for help, the victim contacted Ousley, only to be brushed off and told that the Diocese of Alabama had previously dismissed the victim’s complaint without telling him.
Further, Ousley violated applicable mandatory child abuse reporting laws by not forwarding the information to law enforcement, which is a possible criminal offense. And Ousley did nothing to care for the victim.
In an unrelated case, involving allegations that Dallas Bishop George Sumner retaliated against priest Richard Daly for opposing sexual harassment, Ousley falsely told Daly that no complaints had been filed. Only after Anglican Watch persisted did Ousley acknowledge a complaint, then ignore it for more than a year. Even today, nothing has been done to care for the victims in this matter.
“The evidence is irrefutable: Ousley has a long and sordid track record of malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance involving matters as serious as the rape of children and the sexual harassment of women,” said Anglican Watch editor Eric Bonetti. “Ousley shows no compassion for victims of abuse and appears only interested in telling others what they want to hear, including nonsense about the ‘lofty goals’ of Title IV. Meanwhile, Ousley’s feckless indifference resulted in a massive backlog of clergy disciplinary cases.
“Even if years have passed since the original offense, it is imperative that all child abuse be reported immediately, as perpetrators often abuse multiple victims. Ousley made no effort to obey the law, which makes painfully clear his lack of personal and professional integrity.
“As a result, Ousley should be immediately removed from consideration as bishop provisional of Wyoming,” Bonetti concluded.
Founded in 2015, Anglican Watch is the unofficial watchdog of the Episcopal Church and is online at
SOURCE Anglican Watch
CONTACT: Eric Bonetti, 240-630-3767,