India's Rising Dengue Fever Outbreak Causes Concern
Gospel for Asia Distributes More Than 250,000 Mosquito Nets to Poor Families
Contact: 434-426-5310,
DELHI, India, March 2, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Gospel for Asia ( has been working with Believers Church in India to distribute more than 250,000 mosquito nets to poor families across the country. The effort is one way to combat an outbreak of mosquito-transmitted dengue fever, which health officials say has been one of the worst in the past six years.
Photo: Indian women at a Believers Church in Delhi receive some of the 250,000 mosquito nets distributed by Gospel for Asia. The ministry is responding to the current dengue fever outbreak, which has been most prevalent in Delhi.
The Union Health Ministry in India reported almost 28,000 cases of dengue fever as of last quarter 2015. In Delhi alone, at least 25 people died from dengue fever last year, compared with only three in 2014.
"This dengue fever outbreak is alarming and preventable," said Dr. K. P. Yohannan, founder and international director of Gospel for Asia. "By God's grace, we've engaged in a proactive response to help protect people all year long from further contracting this disease."
Gospel for Asia-supported Believers Churches throughout India has distributed mosquito nets to some of the country's poorest and neediest families. Believers Church leaders also have provided public health education to residents.
In Bhubaneswar, Mayor Shri Ananta Narayana Jena had praise for the work of Believers Church. "What Believers Church is doing for the people by providing education and health and hygiene awareness is really admirable," Jena said. "The usage of mosquito nets is an important means that will help protect people against many diseases."
Dengue fever is common in tropical regions, where mosquitoes transmit the disease. Also called "breakbone fever," dengue is similar to malaria. Victims initially have symptoms that include fever, headaches, and joint and muscle pain. The worse cases are terminal.
Communicable diseases like dengue fever continue to be a major public-health problem in India, according to a National Health Profile report.
"Let us pray for the Lord's healing for all those who are suffering from the fever right now," Yohannan said. "Let's also pray the Lord would enable us to demonstrate His love by providing even more mosquito nets in the days to come."
More information is available at
GOSPEL FOR ASIA has – for more than 30 years – provided humanitarian assistance and spiritual hope to millions across South Asia, especially among those who have yet to hear the Good News. Last year, this included more than 75,000 sponsored children, free medical services for more than 180,000 people, 6,000 wells drilled, 11,000 water filters installed, Christmas presents for more than 400,000 needy families, and spiritual teaching available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry.
To schedule an interview with a Gospel for Asia representative, contact
Contact: 434-426-5310,
DELHI, India, March 2, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- Gospel for Asia ( has been working with Believers Church in India to distribute more than 250,000 mosquito nets to poor families across the country. The effort is one way to combat an outbreak of mosquito-transmitted dengue fever, which health officials say has been one of the worst in the past six years.
Photo: Indian women at a Believers Church in Delhi receive some of the 250,000 mosquito nets distributed by Gospel for Asia. The ministry is responding to the current dengue fever outbreak, which has been most prevalent in Delhi.
The Union Health Ministry in India reported almost 28,000 cases of dengue fever as of last quarter 2015. In Delhi alone, at least 25 people died from dengue fever last year, compared with only three in 2014.
"This dengue fever outbreak is alarming and preventable," said Dr. K. P. Yohannan, founder and international director of Gospel for Asia. "By God's grace, we've engaged in a proactive response to help protect people all year long from further contracting this disease."
Gospel for Asia-supported Believers Churches throughout India has distributed mosquito nets to some of the country's poorest and neediest families. Believers Church leaders also have provided public health education to residents.
In Bhubaneswar, Mayor Shri Ananta Narayana Jena had praise for the work of Believers Church. "What Believers Church is doing for the people by providing education and health and hygiene awareness is really admirable," Jena said. "The usage of mosquito nets is an important means that will help protect people against many diseases."
Dengue fever is common in tropical regions, where mosquitoes transmit the disease. Also called "breakbone fever," dengue is similar to malaria. Victims initially have symptoms that include fever, headaches, and joint and muscle pain. The worse cases are terminal.
Communicable diseases like dengue fever continue to be a major public-health problem in India, according to a National Health Profile report.
"Let us pray for the Lord's healing for all those who are suffering from the fever right now," Yohannan said. "Let's also pray the Lord would enable us to demonstrate His love by providing even more mosquito nets in the days to come."
More information is available at
GOSPEL FOR ASIA has – for more than 30 years – provided humanitarian assistance and spiritual hope to millions across South Asia, especially among those who have yet to hear the Good News. Last year, this included more than 75,000 sponsored children, free medical services for more than 180,000 people, 6,000 wells drilled, 11,000 water filters installed, Christmas presents for more than 400,000 needy families, and spiritual teaching available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry.
To schedule an interview with a Gospel for Asia representative, contact