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SNAP Founder Quits in Disgrace

Contact: Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 212-371-3191,


NEW YORK, Feb. 6, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Bill Donohue (photo) comments on the resignation of the founder and president of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), Barbara Blaine:


Blaine announced her resignation over the weekend. She quit in disgrace, as did the executive director, David Clohessy, who packed it in less than two weeks ago.


Both Clohessy and Blaine tried to put a happy face on their departure--which effectively kills SNAP--but no one believes them. Clohessy said his decision had nothing to do with the devastating lawsuit brought against SNAP by a former employee, Gretchen Rachel Hammond. Blaine echoed the same line, saying the lawsuit "had absolutely no bearing on my leaving."


Clohessy listed "fatigue" as his reason for quitting, saying he wanted to do something "less stressful." But what could be less stressful than rolling out of bed and answering the phone? After all, he didn't report to work in Chicago, the venue of SNAP's office; he elected to stay at home in St. Louis.


Speaking from the same playbook, Blaine said she left because "I need a break." A break from what? Telling employees to ignore callers asking for help? That's what Hammond alleges.


Clohessy and Blaine have shamelessly attacked the Catholic Church for decades, posing as crusaders for justice. All of this and more can be found on the Catholic League website: we have documented the lies and machinations of SNAP for a long time, though the mainstream media have been reluctant to acknowledge it.


The great irony is that after working so incestuously with several unseemly lawyers, not one of them has volunteered to represent SNAP. Barbara Dorris, who now calls herself the managing director, said they are looking for financial assistance and are "seeking pro-bono legal help."


Financial assistance? They pressured victims to part with some of their settlement money, so why not use those funds? Or has it been spent on traveling and entertainment? The biggest irony is being left high and dry by their lawyer buddies: one can hardly blame them--they know SNAP is finished, so they have no reason to help.


It is so gratifying to see that justice is finally being done. And this isn't over--they still have to face the music in court.

Contact Barbara Dorris: