Contact: Mike Virgintino, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, 914-941-7636 ext 2219
MARYKNOLL, N.Y., Feb. 25, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Six middle and high school students representing Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas and the Federated States of Micronesia have received cash awards for their winning submissions in "Maryknoll" magazine's 26th annual Maryknoll Student Essay Contest. Maryknoll magazine is published by the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.
The 2014 essay theme asked students to write a letter to Pope Francis that explains how the student or another young person follows the pope's personal theme for young people—"Have courage. Go forward. Make noise." Pope Francis speaks frequently to the world's youth, whom he considers the "architects of the future."
The contest received close to 8,000 entries from students who competed in two divisions (grades six to eight and grades nine to 12) for nearly $3,000 in cash prizes. The awards included $1,000 for each of the two first-place finalists, $300 for each of the two second-place finalists and $150 to each of the two third-place award recipients.
In their letters, the students explained the countless projects and programs that they and friends support, and, in many instances, organize, as their opportunities to "make noise" and help others. The activities included assisting fellow students who are facing serious medical issues, reaching out to the elderly in communities and even traveling to other countries to connect with children who struggle daily in poverty.
The panel of more than 50 judges comprised of Maryknoll missioners was astounded and humbled by the variety of examples of serving others presented in the letters written by middle and high school students across the country and from overseas.
"It was a blessing to have a chance to read some of the entries," said Father Emile Dumas, one of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers and Maryknoll Sisters who helped judge the contest. "They inspired me and filled me with hope for our future missionaries."
The letters written by the first place winners in each category will be published in the May/June 2015 issue of Maryknoll magazine. All winning entries will be published online at
Maryknoll Essay Award Recipients
The 2014 Maryknoll Student Essay Contest Awards will be presented to:
Division I (grades six to eight)
First Place ($1,000): The Bishop Francis X. Ford Award is named in honor of the Maryknoll missioner who died in a prison in China during 1952.
• Raquel Lacusky (seventh grade), St. Agnes School, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Charney
Second Place ($300)
• Dominic Massi (eighth grade), St. Anastasia School, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. Teacher: Mrs. Joanna Fabii
Third Place ($150)
• Victoria Kovarik (seventh grade), St. Paul School, Princeton, New Jersey. Teacher: Mrs. Sally Chrisman
Division II (grades nine to 12)
First Place ($1,000): The Bishop Patrick J. Byrne Award is named for the Maryknoll missioner who died on a forced march in Korea during 1950.
• Grace Mitchell (12th grade), Pecos High School, Pecos, Texas. Teacher: Tiffany Overby
Second Place ($300)
• Sarah Lohrfink (11th grade), The Catholic High School of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland. Teacher: Dr. Anna Berger
Third Place ($150)
• Decyann Pete (11th grade), Yap Catholic High School, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. Teacher: Father Patrick Nolan, S.J.
The Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers follow Jesus in serving the poor and others in need in 26 countries that include the U.S. All Catholics are called to mission through baptism and confirmation, and Maryknoll’s mission education outreach in parishes and schools throughout the country engages U.S. Catholics in mission through vocations, prayer, donations and as volunteers. Maryknoll missioners share God's love and the Gospel in combating poverty, providing healthcare, building communities and promoting human rights. For more information, visit the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers at
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