April 2, 2014: LaKisha Wilson Press Conference
Contact: Day Gardner, National Black Pro-life Union, 202-834-0844, daygardner23A@aol.com
CLEVELAND, Ohio, April 3, 2014 /Standard Newswire/ -- Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-life Union spoke at a press conference held in front of the Preterm abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio to remember LaKisha Wilson who died there a week ago. The following are her remarks:
Twenty two year old LaKisha Wilson is dead.
I listened to the 911 call in the death of LaKisha Wilson, recorded on March 21st. I could not believe what I heard. The woman who made the 911 call spoke so calmly -- in a very matter of fact voice telling the dispatcher, that a woman in their clinic, was not breathing. It was almost like: a woman is not breathing...uh...pass the salt. It bothered me that there was no urgency detected in her voice as she flatly stated LaKisha was not breathing.
And we know why. The reason is because this scenario plays out over and over and over again in abortion facilities. Calling 911 is not new to abortion clinics. To the Preterm Clinic -- and other abortion facilities, LaKisha is just another young woman who is dead at the hands of her so called doctor.
The greatest disservice is that abortionists profusely lie to women stating that abortion is a safe procedure -- and life can continue on as if nothing had ever happened.
But abortion was not safe for LaKisha, was it? Abortion was not safe for her baby either -- and most certainly life will not continue on for LaKisha, or for her family as if nothing had ever happened -- because LaKisha Wilson is dead.
I stand here on this early spring day trying to make sense of all this. Wondering how the filthy back alley abortion doctors slithered and slimed their way to Main Street America where they continue to maim and kill young women by the thousands and their children by the millions. How is it that they thrive in black neighborhoods and communities -- disproportionately selling abortion to black people -- devastating black families?
We must band together to rise against this blood tide. It's up to us - all of us-to stand with LaKisha's family to ensure that her death was not in vain.
On behalf of the National Black Pro-Life Union, I offer my prayers for this young mother and for her child. I pray that LaKisha's family and friends will find comfort in the arms of Jesus Christ in this very difficult time. We are so very sorry for their loss.