Contact: Mark Harrington, Created Equal, 614-419-9000, mark@createdequal.net
COLUMBUS, Ohio, June 12, 2012 /Standard Newswire/ -- Created Equal's voter education strategy, which focuses on the battleground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, and Iowa, will officially begin our billboard campaign in Columbus, OH on Saturday, June 23, 2012. Other key state destinations are being considered. Our goal is to save lives, register voters, and turn out the pro-life vote on November 6, 2012.
"VOTE PRO-LIFE" Battleground States Project
Who: Created Equal and Operation Rescue.
What: Mobile billboards displaying aborted babies on the sides and rear of box trucks juxtaposed next to the phrase "VOTE PRO-LIFE on November 6, 2012."
Where: Downtown Columbus, Ohio (Broad St. & High St.) -- and up to 9 battleground states. See map.
When: From 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, June 23, 2012, and continually until November 6, 2012.
"America is at a crossroads. We have been killing children in the womb for almost forty years. On November 6, 2012, America will either choose life or death. Our billboards permit the victims of abortion to speak for themselves. If the photographic evidence of the injustice of abortion doesn't activate the pro-life vote, nothing will." -- Mark Harrington, Executive Director, Created Equal