Contact: Dr. Scott Lively, 413-250-0984,
WASHINGTON, March 2, 2015 /Christian Newswire/ -- Open Letter to America:
This is a call-to-action to all Christian believers, pastors, leaders, talk show hosts, media figures, activists, street evangelists and prayer warriors.
Let us band together in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14 to promote and conduct a continual prayer vigil and stand-out for marriage at SCOTUS (or any Federal Courthouse for those who can't get there) from now until the ruling comes out, probably in June.
This is a general call to all believers to go to SCOTUS alone or in groups to pray and hold signs. Churches and other organizations can choose dates or times to rally their own troops if they like and/or hold press conferences etc., but let's all just put out the word to whatever circle of influence we have and let the Holy Spirit stir hearts.
I am asking every Christian and pro-family radio talk host to promote this vigil, and perhaps do a broadcast from the site. Large organizations could provide logistical support to help people coordinate with groups scheduled to be there at a certain time but until then I will do my best to help at
I am on my way to DC to kick this off spiritually (just me and my wife) with a stand-out from 11am-1pm on Monday the 9th and invite you'all to come or to send others to join us in prayer.
I will do the same in front of my own local federal courthouse in Springfield MA over the next few weeks and months at times to be announced.
In the meantime, don't wait for somebody else to organize your vigil, just go!
This is our last stand for marriage as a free society. If SCOTUS declares "gay marriage" a constitutional right by judicial fiat there will be nothing left for us to do but resist.
Only God can save us from the calamity and disgrace of defiling His institution of marriage in our official national policy.
Let us take the authority we have in Him, and the freedom we have as Americans, to join together to surround the federal judges with such a hedge of prayer that they will be forced to bow their knee to the one who created marriage as the foundation of all human civilization -- one man and one woman.
Pastor Scott Lively