True Knights Announces its New National Advisory Board and Renews its Commitment to Help Men Become True Men of God by Proclaiming the Splendor of God's Truth for Human Sexuality and Bringing About a Greater Public Awareness of the Serious Threat of Pornography to Marriages and Families.
Contact: Kenneth Henderson, True Knights International Apostolate, Inc., 512-535-4041
It is estimated that 50 percent of all Christian men struggle with issues dealing with pornography. Because of its addictive nature and widespread availability, pornography has become the fastest growing addiction in our time. Easy access to pornography via the internet and lack of adequate laws in place to protect families and children has created a pandemic in our culture, touching even young people barely beyond the age of reason. The Attorney General's Commission on Pornography found that 12- to 17-year-old boys are among the highest consumer group of pornography.
True Knights is dedicated to recapturing hearts and fortifying souls by deep conversion, the growth of the interior life, and promoting Christian virtues. Kenneth Henderson, Catholic Evangelist, Chastity Speaker and President of True Knights, founded the ministry in 2004 for the purpose of helping men seek heroic honor, virtue and integrity in an impure world. Henderson, a convert to the Catholic Church, speaks across the nation at conferences and parishes to share his own experience of God's amazing grace in his life. After being set free from an addiction to pornography, he felt called to lead other men to be the husbands and fathers God created them to be.
The new National Advisory Board of Directors elected officers and discussed furthering its mission of outreach to bring greater public awareness of the "plague of pornography."
Prior to 2007, the True Knights Board of Directors consisted of individuals local to
True Knights International Apostolate, Inc., is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit corporation. Founded in 2004, one of its prime objectives is to call men to become true men, true husbands, fathers and sons; True Knights for their families and to proclaim the splendor of God's truth for human sexuality to combat the lies of pornography. True Knights' founder and president, Kenneth Henderson, is available to speak at parishes or conferences on many topics, such as God's truth for sexuality, authentic Catholic family life, and Catholic apologetics. For more information visit, email, or call (800) 950-2008.