"Don't allow the government to flush your money or religious liberties," says Faith Family Freedom Fund Ad
Contact: J.P. Duffy or Alice Chao, 866-372-6397
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- A new digital ad campaign launching in Houston, Texas today by the Faith Family Freedom Fund, the Super PAC connected to Family Research Council Action (FRC Action), urges Houston voters to vote "No" on Proposition 1. The ad, which shows $5,000 in cash being flushed down a toilet, urges opposition to the ordinance that would impose up to $5,000 in fines on those who object to a man using a woman's bathroom.
Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins made the following comments:
"This ad draws voters' attention to the fact that if parents -- or anyone -- dares to block a man from entering a woman's restroom, they are subject to fines up to $5,000 under Proposition 1.
"Proposition 1 is about a lot more than even bathrooms. It's about criminalizing religious liberty. The ordinance also gives the government new grounds to impose punishing fines on bakers, florists, planners, musicians and others who refuse to yield their religious beliefs to this new morality.
"Months ago, Mayor Parker declared to the city that 'this is personal.' Well, now it's personal to everyone -- including every religious person, every mom, every dad, and every businessman in the city," concluded Perkins.
Faith Family Freedom Fund's Ad Script can be found below:
If Proposition 1 passes, you could be fined up to five thousand dollars for declining to participate in a same-sex wedding or simply objecting to a man using a woman's bathroom.
Five thousand dollars… down the tubes.
Remember last year? The Mayor illegally disenfranchised voters and demanded Houston pastors turn over their sermons and private communications to government lawyers… The struggle is not over.
Stand up… not only for the freedom to believe… but to live out your beliefs.
Don't allow the government to flush your money or religious liberties.
Vote now… and vote "No" on Proposition 1.
No person should be punished by the government because of their beliefs.
Faith Family Freedom Fund is responsible for the content of this political advertising.
Watch the ad here: youtu.be/R1u-N3cG2DQ
Faith Family Freedom Fund is affiliated with FRC Action, a 501(c)(4) membership organization. FRC Action is the legislative advocacy arm of the Family Research Council, a 501(c)(3) organization.
Paid for by Faith Family Freedom Fund (www.faithfamilyfreedom.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.