Scott said he is "skeptical of men like Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisc., and Gov. Mitch Daniels, Ind.," who had called on the Republican Party to put social issues on the back-burner. "I was appalled when Rep. Ryan suggested that Republicans 'rally around the tallest pole in our tent -- fiscal conservatism, economic liberty,' which essentially means pushing pro-life Americans to the back of the Republican bus." Scott said attempts by the two men to backtrack leave him unconvinced.
Scott said the one person reportedly under consideration that he just could not back is former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice because "she is simply not pro-life."
"Gov. Romney needs to send pro-life people a signal that he cares about these matters we feel strongly about by picking a running-mate every pro-life person can look to and immediately say, 'I am convinced. I will work as hard as I can to see the Republican ticket win in November.'"
Scott said he fears that if the Republicans win in November, life issues and other matters of social significance will be essentially ignored. "We do not need another election in which we do everything we can for a candidate only to learn that, once again, we have been patronized. I do not want to be patted on the head, told I'm a good pro-lifer, and thanked for all of my hard work during the campaign. I want the people I work for to do everything he or she can do to help bring about a society that respects all human life."
According to Scott, there are many great men and women who would be an excellent running-mate for the Governor, including Senator Marco Rubio, Fl., Gov. Luis Fortuno, P.R., Gov. Bobby Jindal, La., Gov. Bob McDonnell, Virg., Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Wash., Rep. Marsha Blackburn, Tenn., Gov. Mary Fallin, Okla., and Rep. Allen West, Fl. "We need someone on the ticket who believes social issues -- those that are literally a matter of life and death -- should be given a high place on the national agenda," Scott said.
Scott said that many pro-life politicians are poorly equipped to defend the pro-life position in a campaign. "The answers are there. Any candidate who does not believe being pro-life can be a winning position should let us know. We will show him or her exactly how to make it happen." Scott said that running from the issue makes it look like one is ashamed of being pro-life. "We are not the people who should be ashamed. We are not the people who think it is acceptable to kill preborn human beings as a 'solution' to social problems. Pro-life candidates should stand tall and proud and learn how to articulate the message to show that the real shameful position is that held by supporters of Roe v. Wade."
Life Decisions International (LDI) is dedicated to challenging the Culture of Death, concentrating on exposing and fighting the agenda of Planned Parenthood. LDI's chief project is a boycott of corporations that fund the abortion-committing giant. To learn more about Planned Parenthood, please click here.