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The Glory Celebration: Arthur, Arthur, Arthur

Contact: Arthur Blessitt, 303-355-2234,

LITTLETON, Colo., Jan. 1, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- A few weeks ago I awoke during the night. I could feel the Glory of the Lord along my skin that was touching the bed. It felt like warm oil flowing. I felt tingling and sparkling and glowing inside my body. I began to feel my spirit lifting and separating from inside my body, yet still inside me. I had never felt my spirit before.

I felt I was dying and it was wonderful! I felt peace and beauty. I was full of love and excitement.

Then...the room was filled with angels zooming about in a playful manner. Up, over and around. They were clothed in glowing silver colors. They were shouting 'Arthur, Arthur, Arthur'. I was awake and in the darkness I could still see the ceiling and door outline. The angels were happy. They seemed to be welcoming me 'home'. A new angel joined the group. It was red, golden and orange with sweptback wings. It zoomed about and would hide, then reappear peeking from over my head. It was smiling and would say 'Arthur' and then laugh.

The room was filled with unbelievable joy and peace. I thought that in the morning my wife Denise would find my lifeless empty body next to her. I felt my spirit lifting and about to leave my body.

But immediately to my right I saw The Glory of the Lord like I had seen in 1979 along the Amazon River in the vision of the Glory of the Coming of the Lord. I had seen and was now seeing the golden red flowing Glory of the Lord. Then beside the Glory was the bright white, silver, utter white Glory of the garments of Jesus that I had seen when I saw Jesus at Lake Tahoe many decades ago. I know that Jesus was there just behind the Brightness. I did not see Him but I knew He was there in the bright Glory.

All of a sudden there was the sound of like millions upon millions of voices shouting 'Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur'. It was like the heavens were welcoming me home after a long journey.

Then I felt something shaking my arm. I looked and it was Denise. She said, 'It's OK, it's OK Arthur, I'm here with you.'

She had gone back to sleep and when I looked up...all was normal in the room. The angels, the Glory, the brightness...gone! My spirit was fully in my body.

I lay awake for hours remembering everything over and over. I was waiting for the return of everything and my body was still tingling and sparkling. I wanted the angels and the Lord to return for me. But I realized that God had given to me a glimpse, a small window, and a brief look at the moment of my death to come. I now know what death will be like for me. There is a celebration coming. No fear, just Glory!

In the morning I told Denise all that I had seen. All I could do was cry and weep with joy at what had happened. I will never be the same.

So, until then... I'll labor faithfully in the vineyard of this earth, lifting up Jesus, carrying the cross, sharing the Gospel, loving people... for I know that for me death will only bring a smile!

Should you be saved and have Jesus in your heart you can face your departure from this earth with joy and peace knowing that the angels will be there to bring you into the Presence of God in heaven. The Glory of the Lord will be there for you at that moment. There is a whole world of Holy Glory about God's children but just unseen to the human eye most of the time.

A Bible note:
The apostle Paul said 'To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord' 2 Cor. 5:8;

Jesus said Lazarus 'died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom.' Luke 16:22;

Elisha was walking with Elijah 'and as they were walking along together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two on them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind' 2 Kings 2:11;

Moses and Elijah after centuries were recognized talking with Jesus on the mountain. Matt. 17:3, Luke 9:30;

When Jesus died on the cross "tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. And after Jesus' resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many." Matt. 27:53;

Just before Stephen was stoned to death, 'he being filled with the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the Glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. And said, 'Look I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God'. Acts 7:55-56.

Should you not be saved by the Blood of Jesus shed on the cross. You are unprepared to die. Jesus tells the story of one man, who 'died and was buried. In hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments' Luke 16:23

There are only two destinies for us. It's either heaven or hell. Some people say don't frighten people. Well, this is something to be frightened and concerned about. Death for the saved will be glorious but for the lost it is the beginning of eternal unending horror. The Bible declares 'Prepare to meet Thy God' Amos 4:12!

Invite Jesus into your heart and repent of your sins. Believe that God loves you and that Jesus came from heaven to earth to live without sin and fulfill all the prophecy concerning the Savior Messiah. Jesus died on the cross for your sins and mine. He died and was buried and arose on the third day. He ascended to heaven and ever lives to make intercession for whosoever will call upon His Name.

Please pray, Dear God I need you. I open my heart and invite Jesus who died on the cross for my sins to save me. As best as I know how I repent and turn to put my trust in Jesus as my Savior and Lord. Give me a new life. Make my home in heaven and forgive my sins. I am now your child and my name is in Your Book in Heaven. I'm not ashamed of Jesus and confess you as my Savior. I want now to share Jesus with others. Thank you Jesus!

God bless you, A pilgrim follower of Jesus, Luke 18:1
Arthur Blessitt

Arthur has carried a 12 foot cross in every nation and major island group for 40,194 miles. He walked out of Hollywood, Ca. Christmas day 1969 to carry the cross and share Jesus. He is now 72 years old and still carrying the cross. Jesus did it.