Contact: Deborah Hamilton, 215-815-7716,
TUPELO, Miss., May 12, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- American Family Association (AFA, has hand-delivered one million petition signatures to Target headquarters in Minneapolis, after which AFA leadership briefly met with Target senior management about AFA's concerns over the retail giant's dangerous bathroom policy.
AFA's immensely successful and unprecedented #BoycottTarget pledge campaign has garnered more than 1.2 million signatures in just three weeks, as apprehensive Americans, like those at AFA, do not want women and children put in harm's way.
"American Family Association is appreciative that Target representatives were willing to accept the signatures of more than one million Americans and meet with us about our deep distress over Target's unsafe bathroom policy, which permits anyone who identifies with another gender to enter the restroom or fitting room of the opposite sex," said AFA President Tim Wildmon. "As we have stated time and again, our worries do not stem from the transgender community, but rather, from those predators and voyeurs with evil intentions who would take advantage of the policy to potentially harm women and children.
"However," Wildmon continued, "Target leadership made no commitment to change its policy. Therefore, AFA's #BoycottTarget campaign will continue as strong as it began, and we are confident that millions more will join the movement and voice their fears of Target's policy. We will not back down from this very destructive and agenda-driven policy and will continue to fight for the more than one million Americans who have already signed the #BoycottTarget pledge. Lastly, we ask that all who agree with AFA remain committed to not visiting Target stores. After our delivery of one million signatures, we expect to deliver the second million in the near future. Corporate America will hear the voice of millions of families across America."
AFA is asking those aligned with AFA's initiative to take action in the #BoycottTarget campaign in several ways:
- Sign the #BoycottTarget pledge online.
- Print the paper petition to distribute among friends and family members.
- Print this AFA Pass Along Sheet to distribute among friends and family.
- Call Target and politely let local managers know you are boycotting the store until policies change and how a boycott of this magnitude will hurt business. Find local Target store phone numbers here.
- Share your concerns on the Target Facebook page. When sharing on social media, use #BoycottTarget to help spread the word.
To interview a representative from American Family Association, contact