Open Enrollment Begins Wednesday -- Solidarity HealthShare is Helping Single Mothers, Veterans, Families and the Middle Class Get Back on Their Feet with Affordable Coverage
Contact: Eden Gordon Media, 202-714-6014,
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- As the Open Enrollment season begins this November 1, 2017, many families with single mothers, single fathers, and middle class families are facing their greatest fear. What will our premiums be for 2018? Is the better choice to pay the IRS the penalty? Or to save and budget for the Affordable Care Act? Please note that most families in our country make $75,000 or less. Do the math. The Affordable Care Act is not affordable to this income base.
Under the Affordable Care Act are these restrictions: patients cannot chose the provider of choice, religious freedom is hindered and patient and doctor relationships are chosen by the government. The unaffordable care act is forcing Americans to sit on the sidelines and watch the government take care of them, speak for them and choose for them.
Solidarity HealthShare is challenging the elected officials to stop and think about the conscience issues and to make health insurance affordable for the middle and poor class. Solidarity is changing lives and saving lives for the American family. They are providing a service that is community based, not government supported, affordable and provides the opportunity to chose the medical care desired.
A Mother's Endorsement of Solidarity HealthShare: "Solidarity HealthShare opened up the doors for my family to meet with the health care provider of our choice. The patient and doctor doors were finally opened to us after many years of being restricted into a network that ended up causing our family to physically and financially suffer through multiple hardships. I have recommended Solidarity HealthShare to many friends who are mothers, Solidarity makes it affordable for the American Family." -- K Soper
In today's health care crisis on Capitol Hill both the left and right side are inflicting deep wounds on the American people and the check is given to hard working Americans.
Solidarity has said enough to this crisis and is opening the door to all Americans. The protection of our religious freedom, our conscience, and our lives independent of the government is necessary for America to be the land of prosperity once again.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- As the Open Enrollment season begins this November 1, 2017, many families with single mothers, single fathers, and middle class families are facing their greatest fear. What will our premiums be for 2018? Is the better choice to pay the IRS the penalty? Or to save and budget for the Affordable Care Act? Please note that most families in our country make $75,000 or less. Do the math. The Affordable Care Act is not affordable to this income base.
Under the Affordable Care Act are these restrictions: patients cannot chose the provider of choice, religious freedom is hindered and patient and doctor relationships are chosen by the government. The unaffordable care act is forcing Americans to sit on the sidelines and watch the government take care of them, speak for them and choose for them.
Solidarity HealthShare is challenging the elected officials to stop and think about the conscience issues and to make health insurance affordable for the middle and poor class. Solidarity is changing lives and saving lives for the American family. They are providing a service that is community based, not government supported, affordable and provides the opportunity to chose the medical care desired.
A Mother's Endorsement of Solidarity HealthShare: "Solidarity HealthShare opened up the doors for my family to meet with the health care provider of our choice. The patient and doctor doors were finally opened to us after many years of being restricted into a network that ended up causing our family to physically and financially suffer through multiple hardships. I have recommended Solidarity HealthShare to many friends who are mothers, Solidarity makes it affordable for the American Family." -- K Soper
In today's health care crisis on Capitol Hill both the left and right side are inflicting deep wounds on the American people and the check is given to hard working Americans.
Solidarity has said enough to this crisis and is opening the door to all Americans. The protection of our religious freedom, our conscience, and our lives independent of the government is necessary for America to be the land of prosperity once again.