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Alveda King: Let Babies and Mothers Off Abortion Bus

Contact: Leslie Palma, 347-286-7277


ATLANTA, June 17, 2013 /Standard Newswire/ -- Alveda King (photo) releases the following and is available for comment:


The War on Babies being waged by the abortion industry and its puppets in Congress sank to new depths last week.


Let's be clear.


Congressman Trent Franks is trying to save babies' lives – lives like the late term babies that convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell joked about when he said they "could walk to the bus stop." Rather than have these babies decapitated and stuffed into juice containers by abortionists such as Gosnell, Congressman Franks would have them live. For this he is being viciously attacked.


Congressman Franks stated that the incidence of rape resulting in pregnancies that are aborted in the sixth month of pregnancy or later is "very low." How is this even controversial?


We know from studies on the subject that rape results in pregnancy from about 1% to 5% of the time, depending on authors of the studies. According to one study citing the 5% stats, half of those pregnancies are aborted. We don't know what portion of those 2.5% of rapes result in abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy or later, but government statistics tell us that 1.4% of all abortions occur in the 21st week or later.


So, is it outrageous to suggest that 1.4% of 2.5% (0.035%) is a very low amount?


By the way, as a repentant and healed post abortive mother, I encourage Congress to save as many mothers and babies from abortion as possible; because mothers and babies do die from abortions. Babies and sometimes mothers die painful abortion deaths at twenty weeks which is five months. I say save all the babies and their mothers; mothers like Tonya Reaves, Jennifer Morbelli, and Karnamaya Mongar. These three women and their babies died from painful late term abortions.


Again, let's be clear. All abortions are bad and painful to someone's body, soul or spirit. Where do we begin to make things better? Congressman Franks and his colleagues are on the right track. Where do we go from here?


The answer is obvious – unless you think it's OK to keep dismembering babies in the womb that, if delivered, look like they "could walk to the bus stop."


People, it's time to let the babies and their mothers off the abortion bus.