38 Americans Killed on the Streets of
Contact: Christian Defense Coalition, 202-547-1735, 540-538-4741 cell
The Christian Defense Coalition urges groups like MoveOn.org, ANSWER, Code Pink and Pink Ladies for Peace to refocus their efforts and resources toward ending violence in
Photo: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition
Coalition questions whether these groups are more interested in promoting a political agenda rather than working for peace and justice.
The Christian Defense Coalition encourages anti-war groups to join with faith organizations and churches that work everyday in towns and cities across
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition comments,
"Last month in
"For example, the tens of thousands of dollars spent on the 'General BetrayUs' ad in the New York Times could have been put to much better use supporting educational programs and shelters in urban crime areas. Much of the millions of dollars that anti-war groups spend promoting their political agenda should be re-directed to organizations working to end violence and working for justice here in
"If Cindy Sheehan is truly interested in saving innocent lives from violence perhaps she should consider setting up her tent in high crime urban areas and working with church groups that feed the poor, shelter the homeless and educate the downtrodden. Justice and human rights should not be determined by a political agenda, but should be based on need and ending human suffering."
For more information or interviews call: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, 202.547.1735, Cell: 540.538.4741