Pro-Life Leaders Deeply Troubled by Republicans in Congress and Trump Administration Funding Planned Parenthood in New Budget Agreement
Contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director, Christian Defense Coalition, 540-538-4741; Brandi Swindell, Stanton Public Policy Center, 208-867-1307
WASHINGTON, May 1, 2017 /Standard Newswire/ -- Groups call Republicans in Congress and the Trump Administration funding Planned Parenthood in new budget agreement a betrayal of America's children, women who have been exploited by Planned Parenthood and the pro-life community that helped elect President Trump and a Republican majority in Congress.
You don't make "America Great Again," by funding an organization that destroys 323,000 innocent lives every year.
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the world and has faced blistering congressional hearings on the sale of baby body parts.
Leaders call upon Congress to insert defund language in the budget agreement before a vote this week or defund Planned Parenthood in a new health care agreement.
It would simply be impossible for Republicans to claim the label of being "pro-life" if they voted to give hundreds of millions of dollars to the largest abortion provider in the world.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and Pastor of Church on the Hill in Washington, D.C., states;
"It is deeply troubling that the Republican led Congress and the Trump Administration has proposed a budget that will give the largest abortion provider in the world hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money. This is a betrayal of America's children, women exploited by abortion and the pro-life community who worked countless hours and gave millions of dollars to help Mr. Trump get elected. Clearly funding the largest abortion provider in the world is not making 'America Great Again.'
"We call upon Congress to insert language into the budget proposal that would immediately defund Planned Parenthood. Sadly, if that doesn't happen, then we plead with Congress to defund Planned Parenthood in new health care legislation."
Brandi Swindell, CEO and Founder of Stanton Healthcare, adds;
"As a woman who has founded clinics that provide quality health care to women with unexpected pregnancies, I am deeply saddened by the new budget proposal that funds Planned Parenthood. This legislation is clearly anti-women as it provides money to an organization that treats women as a commodity and does not provide complete women's health care. Planned Parenthood is also an organization that takes the lives of 320,000 innocent children every year.
"My hope would be that Congress would change the language in this proposed budget and remove all funding for Planned Parenthood. If that doesn't happen, we call upon Republicans to defund Planned Parenthood in any new health care legislation and give those resources to federally licensed clinics that provide far more comprehensive women's services. President Trump and Republican members of Congress, please do the right thing and defund Planned Parenthood."
For more information or interviews please contact: Rev. Patrick Mahoney at 540.538.4741 Brandi Swindell at 208.867.1307