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Georgia Right to Life Praises Call for Planned Parenthood Investigation
Contact: Genevieve Wilson, Georgia Right to Life, 770-339-6880

NORCROSS, Ga., July 17, 2015 /Standard Newswire/ -- Georgia Right to Life (GRTL) President Dan Becker praised Governor Nathan Deal who has called for an investigation into allegations that Planned Parenthood routinely sells aborted baby body parts.

"I am grateful that Governor Deal has the courage to seek an investigation into the slaughter house that calls itself Planned Parenthood," Becker said. "If these allegations are true, murder charges should be filed against any participants in this gruesome business."

The investigation follows release of a YouTube video showing a top-ranking Planned Parenthood official casually discussing the harvesting and sale of aborted baby body parts, presumably including those from partial birth abortions.

Both partial birth abortion and selling human body parts are federal crimes.

In the video, the official claims they can harvest "intact" hearts, livers, and lungs by "crushing" other parts.

"You can't harvest a functioning heart or lung from a dead adult or baby," Becker said. "In the case of a baby, that means the child would have to be born alive and then have the beating heart or lung cruelly cut out. That's premeditated murder by anyone's standard."

In the video, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, also brazenly acknowledges she is aware of the organization's liability and the steps she takes to cover it up.

"We should not be surprised that an organization that devalues human life in the first place would stoop to such depths of depravity," Becker said.

Mike Stone, pastor of Emanuel Baptist Church in Blackshear, Ga., added: "As damnable as it is, the selling of baby corpses is not the problem. The intentional making of dead babies is. If you misidentify the problem, you will misidentify the solution."

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that have adopted Personhood as the most effective strategy for the 21st century.