Contact: Eugene Delgaudio, Public Advocate, 703-845-1808,; twitter: @eugenedelgaudio, @publicfreedom
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2016 /Standard Newswire/ -- The following is a statement by Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate released Monday, December 12, 2016 at 9 a.m. EDST (in part):
"Some liberal news sites are openly celebrating 'silence' from some in the Christian movement over the improper removal of a conservative Alabama Chief Justice. One site 'gloats' and asks 'who will speak up and defend Judge Roy Moore?'
"As early as October 2, Public Advocate supporters were alerted to the illegal assault and removal of Judge Roy Moore and the actions by a lawless tribunal in Alabama being similar to a lynch mob. I promised and filed a lengthy 55 page legal brief Dec. 7, 2016.
"The liberal fake news sites are now in shock and reeling from our explosive legal brief.
"In our legal appeal of this assault on one Christian Judge doing his sworn constitutional duty, we pointed out, in part, that Chief Justice Roy Moore's Administrative Order should not have been responded to by extremists with removal.
"Our amicus brief filed December 7, explains how the Court of the Judiciary ("COTJ") in finding Judge Moore guilty of ethics violations wrongfully based the entire case on a 2003 ruling that had nothing to do with the current 2016 case in any way.
"The COTJ also violated its own rules requiring a unanimous vote by declaring a majority was enough to suspend a Judge without pay for his entire term.
"Neither the Judicial Inquiry Commission which prosecuted the case, nor the Court of the Judiciary that suspended the Chief Justice, saw any problem with a bare 5 to 4 majority on the U.S. Supreme Court requiring Alabama to ignore its own Constitution and statutes and impose same sex marriage on the people. However, the Supreme Court's opinion was a lawless act of political will, and as one Supreme Court Justice said, had nothing to do with the Constitution.
"So in fact and in logic, Chief Judge Roy Moore is guilty of nothing. Yet he was removed from office as the elected Chief Justice of Alabama," said Delgaudio.
For the full statement or the entire message to supporters go here.
See Public Advocate's 55 page brief here.